Hi! I'm new!

Hi all,

My name is Kimberly. I am new to myfitnesspal. Last year at this time I was in the best shape of my life, now, not so much and my goal is to get back to that shape that I was in last year. I had lost 20lbs from Jan of last year to about june of last year. I wanted so badly to keep it off but my husband came back from his delpoymemnt and I started eating like a 6'3 male. :( I know, boo to me! lol I am excited to get back to my old skinny shape and I am also lacking my motivation so I need some help in that area.

Thanks guys!! I look foward to hear from you!!



  • dawson855
    dawson855 Posts: 3
    hello im new

    i just got a home gym last week and trying to loose some weight

    add me please
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    hello kim you will get it done and congrates on him getting back hope you have a great day
  • pgp90xer
    pgp90xer Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Kim,

    Good food, good exercising and a great attitude is all you need. I am on here all the time.

    Good Luck.

    Add me if you like.
  • BrwnSkinQT
    BrwnSkinQT Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Kim,

    I'm new also... sounds like you are very determined !! I'm looking forward to losing a few pounds also... GoodLuck !! :)

    Add Me if you like !!
  • lulu197041
    Hello to all, I'm new ,need alot of support,& encouragement& any food ideals for a carb diet would be helpful. Good luck to all
  • ChelsG77
    ChelsG77 Posts: 35
    Hi! Im new as well! Welcome!
  • emmarangel
    emmarangel Posts: 19
    Hey Everyone! Congratulations for making the decision to get fit and healthy. I've only been on this site for 2 1/2 weeks and by following an 1100 calorie diet and exercising regularly, I've already lost 5 pounds :) It's great to have this forum for people who need ideas, recipes and most of all encouragement. So far from what I can tell, everyone here is very helpful and supportive. Stay focused and take one day at a time. You'll reach your goals in no time!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Desterknee
    Desterknee Posts: 1,056 Member
    Hi, new to the site as well. I'm needing to change my lifestyle, and definitely lose weight. I look forward to supporting others and getting support in return. A positive attitude and good information go a long way. best of luck!
  • tavales
    tavales Posts: 16
    Hi Kim, welcome to the journey. I know exactly how you feel. Eating healthier and staying active is hard and a process but with good friends and motivation we all can reach our goals. Feel free to add me.
  • fitatfiftyfive
    Hi Kim. I'm new too. My daughter got me started on this. I have already found good support on this website but want to give support to others as well. Good luck on your journey! You've been successful before - you'll be successful again.
  • lckunz
    lckunz Posts: 56 Member
    Hi, I'm new also. Need to stop emotional bingeing on sweets, chocolate especially. I've got to build a larger desire for a fitter body than for shoveling handfuls of M&Ms or Milky Way bars into my mouth. It's pretty tough to stick with it since my 16 yr old son died 2 1/2 yrs ago of brain cancer. An almost impossible road. But I'm giving this a try because I'm so unhappy with my body. Hope we can support each other.