Just another whiny plateau blog-Help!

Hi Guys!

I'm stuck. Everytime I get to around 220 pounds I plateau. I have tried to spike my calories and vary the armount of calories I am eating daily- didn't work. I have changed up my workouts. Started doing Les Mill Pump and Cardio, haven't seen much of an improvement. I also have a HRM so I know how many calories I am actually burning during these workouts.

One thing I think I am doing wrong- before spiking and even now I was trying to just consume 1200 calories and when I worked out I would net much less. A friend has told me to try and eat more the days I work out. I understand this can work but I feel like it is detrimental to my calorie deficit if I want to lose more weight. I have added more fat by adding flax oil to my diet, I eat a ton of fruits and veggies. I am going to try and eat more when I work out and see if that helps.

I drink water and rarely drink diet soda or consume any sugar substitute other than stevia.

Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm really up for anything, I am trying to lose 50 lbs by December so I won't have to buy a plus sized wedding dress. I KNOW I can do this. I am committed. Thanks in advance guys. I appreciate any advice!


  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I feel your pain... I have been stuck where I am now since June 2nd. Been doing different things... upped my calories (netting my BRM) which in turn means eating back my workout calories=no loss. Mixing up some exercise=no loss. Now trying, NOT eating back all my exercise calories AND adding in some strength training (squats, lunges, pushups, core exercise items... things like that) Just started this week so I won't know how this is gonna work out prob for a couple of weeks. HOWEVER, with that in mind I do suggest you pull out the tape measure. I take my measurements at the beginning of the month. Even though I didn't lose any weight last month I did lose 1/2" off each leg and 1/2" off hips (totol inches lost=1.5") ...sssoooooo I am seeing results just NOT on the scale. Not giving up is a BIG thing! I keep reading from others about how they changed things and it worked for them and some others say to just stick with it and it will start coming off again. So hope this helps and crossing fingers you find something that works for you!
  • krmiller4217
    krmiller4217 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks! It's is just so darn frustrating. :ohwell: