What do YOU have for lunch?



  • leighoconnell
    I have a Turkey Sandwhich on wheat with mustard, spinach and cheese. I also have an apple and them some carrot and celery sticks.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Ypu must be carefull with soups or frozen entres as the are usually full of sodium (salt) and may make you retain water, which in turn will make the scale go up, as water is quite heavy. Low sodium soups are good, try to stay under 500 mg/ serving/meal. Most soups have 2 servings of soup per can and each serving can range from 200mg up to 1000mg of salt. Read your labels folks.

    The Campbells Healthy Request Light and the Zero Point weight watchers soups are lower in sodium then most of the others. That is what I eat.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    usually tuna water packed with just sweet pickles no egg no mayo and a pk of 100 calorie wheat thins and water
  • Mrsfun44
    Mrsfun44 Posts: 19 Member
    Today I had a Hormel Spaghetti with meat sause tray - 280 calories - on the high side for sodium - 1300 mgs. But it's something that I can take to work and put in my draw till microwave time.
  • crltk
    Usually a turkey sandwich on wheat bread.
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    Today was a salad with chicken cut up from last night's dinner, 2 saltine crackers, a small container of vanilla yogurt with a handful of blueberries in it. Half a bottle of Snapple fruit punch and back drinking my water.

    Then snack later will be a another container of yogurt and blueberries and then off to the trainier for my workout and eating a small cut up apple and water.....
  • jillianarnould
    i have lots of veggies & some type of dip (hummus, black bean), fruit & a handful of almonds....or i throw the veggies & dip into a wrap....usually lots of raw foods - low calories, full of water & fiber...very filling :)

    Do you have a good homemade balck bean dip recipe that you can share?
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Ypu must be carefull with soups or frozen entres as the are usually full of sodium (salt) and may make you retain water, which in turn will make the scale go up, as water is quite heavy. Low sodium soups are good, try to stay under 500 mg/ serving/meal. Most soups have 2 servings of soup per can and each serving can range from 200mg up to 1000mg of salt. Read your labels folks.

    I feel the same way! LOL most of the campbells have 2.5 servings


    Yeah I always make sure I read every label to know how many servings are in each thing.
  • LittleEva44
    Since I power walk 3 miles during my lunch hour I ALWAYS drink a chocolate ready-to-drink from Slimfast...it reves up my muscles. Blessings! :bigsmile:
  • nicoledenyse
    i eat the lite healthy brand soups bc they only have 50 calories and 0 fat grams. or a spring mix organic salad with all the vegies fat free dressing and tilapia or a baked chicken breast. i make all the night before. sometimes i put light cheese and bbq sauce on top its good!! i also make whole wheat pasta. i saute veggies in a little evoo then poor fat free chicken broth in it. just a tiny bit and some garlic then i put the pasta in the pan and let it simmer. its super good and even good the next couple of days. the veggies i use are usually squash zuccini tomatoes spinach garlic red and yellow peppers and onions!
  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    I usually do a sandwich and a salad or a lean cuisine/ smart ones dinner with a salad.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I loooove sandwiches! I try to switch it up all the time so I don't get bored...I use all kinds of meats (I like jennie-o sun-dried tomato turkey this week), and I use different condiments. I have 2 different mayos, and always an abundance of veggies to put on. I like to switch up breads too...recent fave is Arnold's sandwich thins :love:

    I usually have some light chips, carrots w/hummus or tzatziki, yogurt, fruit, etc. to supplement my sammich. YUM!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Usually a salad or some other veggie and tuna or chicken.

    If I'm crunched for time sometimes I'll grab a Slimfast Optima shake or a Zone Perfect Protein bar. But those are the exception, not the rule.

    I haven't eaten bread in months and have SO MUCH MORE energy now!
  • campfirequeen
    I go to the local grocery and do a make it yourself salad-Awesome!! - only like 400 cal w/ dressing
    I keep lean Cuisine Panini's on hand - Chicken, Spinach & Mushroom - 6 WW PTS
    I also go to Subway - Oven Roasted Chicken Breast - 6 WW PTS
    I have a George Foreman Grill at home-I grill a bunch of Chicken Breasts for the week and then
    get salad stuff, etc...
    I also make a low calorie Grilled Cheese Sandwich - 2 WW PTS
    Fat Free Hot Dog w/ Fat Free Cheese in a low carb Tortilla - heated up - 2 WW PTS

    Good Luck!!
  • Sassy_Girl
    Sassy_Girl Posts: 19 Member
    I love the Hebrew fat free hotdogs, what brand do you like? I'm a hotdog nut. I grew up on them and still love them. What is your favorite type of cheese to use? I generally use a 2% slice cheese.

  • Linsmom
    I switch up often.

    I like to have Oscar mayer Fat Free hot dogs, with Annie's whole wheat pasta &cheese,
    Peanut butter & Co. chocolate dreams on Nature's Own wheat,
    Oscar Mayer chicken or turkey breast,
    some times I make chicken fajitas w/ chicken breast and peppers and onions,
    grilled cheese made with Kraft 2% American,
    or maybe a cup of organic red grapes and string cheese
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    My hubby sweetly grills boneless skinless chicken breasts for me on the weekends & I have them for lunch all week.
    I have a cold grilled chicken breast, some celery sticks, sliced red peppers, maybe some pea pods, maybe some sliced cucumber, maybe a string cheese.
    I love fresh raw veggies. They take a long time to eat, are crunchy & filling without making me feel so full I need a nap.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Here's my typical workday lunch. I'm lucky because my wife makes it for me the night before so I don't have to make it before leaving for work at Oh-dark-thirty every morning.

    Fleischmann's - Light Margarine, 0.5 Tbsp 20 0 2 0 0 0
    Lettuce - Iceberg (includes crisphead types), raw, 1 leaf inner 3 0 0 0 1 0
    Sarah Lee Bread - 45 Calories and Delightful, 2 slices 90 0 1 5 18 5
    Boar's Head - Ovengold Roast Breast of Turkey - Skinless, 3 oz 90 30 2 20 0 0
    Jell-O (Jello) - Sugar Free Lime, 1 Cup 20 0 0 2 0 0
    Coca Cola - Coke Zero, 12 oz 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Yoplait - Yoplait Light - Fat Free Harvest Peach, 1 container 100 4 0 5 19 0
    Totals for Meal : 323 cals 34g cholesterol 5g fat 32g protein 38g carbs 5g fiber

    Sometimes my wife substitutes low-fat cottage cheese for the yogurt, sometime ham or roast beef for the turkey, and changes the jello flavors. She also puts in an orange or apple, and about 30 grapes, or baby carrots which I normally eat as snacks about every 2 hours in the afternoon.

    This has been a very effective replacement for the normal burger-and-fries lunch it replaced and I credit it for much of the success I've had so far.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I'm a lean cuisine fiend!!! I believe their labels read fairly well for the most part. I too also LOVE the progresso soup, yes a whole can, yes without caring about the sodium content! ;) other days I totally enjoy gigantic salads! My fav is to not use dressing but some lgt sour cream and a TON of salsa and hot sauce (way creamy and super low cal) add some beans or chicken and a million veggies! YUM!

    I agree completely. I am a huge lean cuisine fan and you can usually find a sale that puts them around 2 dollars a piece. The progresso soups really fill me up too. At a dollar or two for a 200 - 300 calorie lunch I'm doing just fine!!

    If you're just starting on your diet, unless your doctor has made a point of telling you to cut sodium I'd say baby steps. First start finding yummy, filling ways to eat lower calorie, and then when that's more of a habit start tinkering with your sodium.

    Good luck with your lunch!!

    Oh and I always keep a bag of apples in the fridge at work for those days when you finish your lunch and still feel like you need something. They always do the trick!!