Way Back Wednesday

OK - I enjoyed "Take It Back Tuesday" so much yesterday that I wanted to try something else today to see if it sticks. I call it Way Back Wednesday. Post a photo of yourself from a time in your life when you felt great about the way you looked. I keep a photo of myself handy to use as motivation or a goal. I figured some of you might do that too. Plus I thought it could be fun to see what some of us geezers...er..."gently worn" folks looked like back in the day. Here is mine circa 1995. I was in my first year of graduate school and had just lost 60 or so pounds. It was the first time in my adult life that I was under 200lbs (198 to be exact). Those were the days...

IMAG0703-1 by improvstitute


  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    I can't wait to see everyone's photos! I can't find any at this moment but will return to add them if I do.
  • Not completely sure how to post a picture?

    6450_140402275663_1019936_n by biscuitfail, on Flickr

    I think I got it.
  • danalong323
    danalong323 Posts: 12 Member
    Not completely sure how to post a picture?

    me neither!! Monkey help!!! :)
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    It is a little tricky to start, but easy after that. All you have to do is upload a photo or photos (easiest from a smart phone) to a hosting site like Flickr (www.flickr.com). It is free to use and you can log in with a Yahoo or Facebook account if you have those. Once you have uploaded your photos there, you need to click "share" and then copy the "BBCode". Once you have that code, come to this page and paste the code in your comment. When you post your reply, the image will magically appear.

    Sorry if that is confusing. :-/
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Posting pics:

    paste the link to your photo here

    Then just make the IMG's lowercase

    Edit to say: This is great if you have your pics on fb or somewhere similar. You just need to copy the URL and insert it. An alternative.

    Okay, I scrounged around and found one.... Not a great picture but it gets the point across. This was when my husband and I (back then we were still just dating) moved into our first house together. :sad: That body didn't last long!

  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    Edit to say: This is great if you have your pics on fb or somewhere similar. You just need to copy the URL and insert it. An alternative.

    Yes! Forgot to mention that. Thanks!!!
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    This is me on the right. Um 1987 maybe? LOL! I wish you could see my pink converse hightops! :laugh:

    Not sure if the picture works on not but here goes.............damn it won't work! :sad:

    Ok I'm trying again................

    Me by cat52169, on Flickr
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Awww you look great! Sadly I have never been happy with the way my body. Even when I was thinner in High School, I was very self conscious of my body. Now that I weigh 80 pounds more than I did then, I wish I would have enjoyed it! Hopefully one day I will get back there and love every minute of it.

    Edited to add: IF I can find it, I'll post my pic of when I was about 18 and I'm wearing an open back shirt showing off my tattoo! That was probably the most comfortable I've ever been!
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    Hopefully one day I will get back there and love every minute of it.

    You will! I have no doubts!!!
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    This is me on the right. Um 1987 maybe? LOL! I wish you could see my pink converse hightops! :laugh:

    Not sure if the picture works on not but here goes.............damn it won't work! :sad:

    Ok I'm trying again................

    Me by cat52169, on Flickr

    EDIT to say...HAWT!!! Were you on your way to a Ratt or Poison concert? If not, you should have been. LOL! Glad you made it work!
  • MalSponseller
    MalSponseller Posts: 217 Member
    Freshmen year of college. 5 years ago.

    Junior year of high school (visiting grandparents in Ohio, doing some recurve shooting in the backyard!)

    I was 150-160ish in the second photo, 160-170ish in the first photo, if memory serves correct. I was considered 'fat' by my family even at this stage.

    Not exactly 'back in the day' to most people, but it is to me! Lol. I feel so old being a grad student that it's stupid.
  • Not completely sure how to post a picture?

    6450_140402275663_1019936_n by biscuitfail, on Flickr

    I think I got it.

    I guess I should elaborate. That was in 2008 when I was in Afghanistan. I was about 190 in this picture. Eventually got to 185. The good ol' days.
  • frixtine
    frixtine Posts: 965 Member
    I was never thin... and never happy with my weight.... ever. I'm not going for appearances anymore. I'm going for endurance. :)
  • zg_grl
    zg_grl Posts: 11
    1st time posting a pic..hope this works...


    Rock climbing in Mexico last November....not the skinniest I've been but definitely the strongest. Can't wait to get back to feeling like that!
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    I was never thin... and never happy with my weight.... ever. I'm not going for appearances anymore. I'm going for endurance. :)

    THIS!!! I love it!
  • amandaa02
    amandaa02 Posts: 57 Member
    Ive never been too thin either.. unless you count middle school.. I dont have any pics easy to access... But I think this is a great idea!