Health problems were my wake-up call

Hello everyone!

This year, I started having bladder problems and acid reflux. All of my doctors agreed that my 20 lb weight gain at the end of last year might be part of the cause. After many tests, I also found out my gallbladder is on the very low end of the normal functioning. My GI recommend Nexium and small, frequent low fat meals.

Last month, I started a 4 day a week 50 minute water aerobics class (alternating days of aerobics and strength high intensity intervals). I started losing weight and feeling better. A few weeks later, I decided to take a hard look at my diet. I saw that I am a sugar addict and don't eat enough vegetables. I started pairing veggies with each meal. Now my blood sugar doesn't crash several times during the day like it used to. In May I was 195. I'm down to 187 now.

Since 1998, I've been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I've found that water aerobics does cause me pain during class, but afterwards I don't feel as much pain as I do with exercise out of the water.

I'm here because I want to make sure I'm eating enough calories, carbs, protein, etc. each day. I also like what I've seen in the forums.