Snacks for 10k Training!

rluhlig Posts: 2 Member
Hi everyone!

I am training for my first 10k in September and I'm looking for some high energy, low(ish) calorie snack ideas to help me get through the day. Anyone have any suggestions?


  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    You don't need to add much to your diet for 10k training, but after your long runs its good to have some sort of recovery meal, preferably within 20-30 minutes of that run. You want it to be a ratio of 4:1, carbs to protein. I personally like 1/2 an apple with 1 TBS of peanut butter or almond butter, or half a Cliff bar - something I can keep in the car and eat right after that run. Sometimes its a soymilk Latte at the local coffee shop (I eat mostly Vegan - meat/dairy people frequently like lowfat or nonfat chocolate milk).

    One thing that happens often as people increase their training is they overeat and end up gaining weight so be sure you log everything faithfully! Your brain keeps saying "but I burned all these calories with all that running, surely I can have ____" . I put on 10lbs when I trained for my first marathon.

    If you're looking for energy before your runs, try some oatmeal about 1 hr before, and then a piece of fruit about 30 minutes before you hit the pavement. That combo works really well for me. Slow carbs in the oatmeal to keep you going, and faster carbs in the fruit to give you energy at the start.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    You don't need to add much to your diet for 10k training, but after your long runs its good to have some sort of recovery meal, preferably within 20-30 minutes of that run. You want it to be a ratio of 4:1, carbs to protein. I personally like 1/2 an apple with 1 TBS of peanut butter or almond butter, or half a Cliff bar - something I can keep in the car and eat right after that run. Sometimes its a soymilk Latte at the local coffee shop (I eat mostly Vegan - meat/dairy people frequently like lowfat or nonfat chocolate milk).

    One thing that happens often as people increase their training is they overeat and end up gaining weight so be sure you log everything faithfully! Your brain keeps saying "but I burned all these calories with all that running, surely I can have ____" . I put on 10lbs when I trained for my first marathon.

    If you're looking for energy before your runs, try some oatmeal about 1 hr before, and then a piece of fruit about 30 minutes before you hit the pavement. That combo works really well for me. Slow carbs in the oatmeal to keep you going, and faster carbs in the fruit to give you energy at the start.

    Well put!

    I put on 10lbs training for my first marathon too. But I didn't increase in sizes or inches, so just assumed it was OK. I have since lost that weight and a bit more. I am determined to not gain this marathon. I have the theory if you are running less than an hour, you are probably good for whatever your normal diet entails, so long as it's healthy to begin with.
  • amyoc3
    amyoc3 Posts: 18
    i have a hard time maintaining my weight during training also. i always feel so hungery after i've run that many miles in the week that i end up over eating. i'm hoping MFP will help me to avoid that pitfall this time. just be sure to get in some good low fat protein for muscle rebuilding- esp after a long run. the perfect replacement is choc milk.