How do you say no to the snacks at a party?

I've been dieting for a year now, through every major holiday and birthday on my calendar, and I'm just ten measly pounds away from my goal weight. And at every special event now, no matter how much I promise I'll stick to the veggie tray, I overindulge and put on one to two pounds of water weight that refuse to budge for a week. Even when I stay within my maintenance calories. I know it's not fat that I'm putting on, but I feel like all these special occasions are slowing my weight loss at this stage.

What can I do to either avoid the snacks or discourage my body from freaking out?

This weekend is the joint birthday party for two of my friends and they're putting out quite a spread. Two cakes: Boston Cream Pie Cake and Caramel Delight Girl Scout Cookie Cake. Buffalo chicken dip, artichoke dip, various chips & vegetables, homemade hummus, possibly some cookie dough truffles, and if I'm really lucky they promise deviled eggs and roasted Brussels sprouts with garlic aioli.

I already know that I want to eat these foods. I already feel my willpower turned to jelly. I try to build these events into my day and leave enough room for snacks and I indulge. I try to fill up before I go over there and still I indulge. I try to stick to the veggie tray or promise myself just a little bit of everything. I drink tons of water at the party, I exercise, I've tried all the tricks I have in my bag and still my body freaks out every time.

Help me MFP, you're my only hope.


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i look at my fat in a mirror. that usually helps.

    on the other hand, i'm in ketosis so i rarely get cravings for things. bag of doritos sitting next to me and i don't even want them.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Your body is always going to freak out.. thats what it is supposed to do. Every single time you eat, you put on water weight.. you just don't notice it because you only weigh after these events.

    My suggestion exercise so you have extra calories, and drink plenty of water before, during and after the party.
  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    Try gum. Noting tastes good with gum in your mouth, and if you chew it for awhile you won't have the desire to mix and match gum/cake?
    Idk, I feel like that sort of works for me. But honestly I would just enjoy the free food :P.
  • blf20
    blf20 Posts: 97 Member
    Firstly, congratulations on your weight loss! You didn' get where you are by giving in to every temptation. That said, like is full of temptations (sigh) and this will be one in a long string.

    There's no need to say no, especially if you know what will be on offer. Some ideas:

    1. look up calorie/fat/sugar counts for the items that you know that you love, then plan to have a portion of each within your goals
    2. offer to bring a lower calorie version of a favourite item. For instance, has plenty of snack type items
    3. If you like the roasted brussels spouts, ask that the aioli be on the side - consider using balsamic vinegar on yours or taking just a bit of the aioli
    4. try not to arrive hungry - even a cup of skim milk will help

    Have a great time!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Your body is always going to freak out.. thats what it is supposed to do. Every single time you eat, you put on water weight.. you just don't notice it because you only weigh after these events.

    My suggestion exercise so you have extra calories, and drink plenty of water before, during and after the party.

    I always expect to put on some water weight at these events. I've been dieting for a year, I understand how my body works by now. But if it takes my body an entire week to shed the extra weight then my weight loss is effectively stopped. I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks because of these parties and I have to either find a way to work with them or I'm afraid I'll have to become a hermit if I want to ever reach my goal weight.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Simple.... "No Thank You."

    You either choose to, or choose not to. It's your choice what eat and how much.
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Just say no to stuff you don't want.

    Hummus and veggies is great. I'd hit that.

    Some parties can really suck. If you're hungry, pick the least damaging stuff and go for it.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Your body is always going to freak out.. thats what it is supposed to do. Every single time you eat, you put on water weight.. you just don't notice it because you only weigh after these events.

    My suggestion exercise so you have extra calories, and drink plenty of water before, during and after the party.

    I always expect to put on some water weight at these events. I've been dieting for a year, I understand how my body works by now. But if it takes my body an entire week to shed the extra weight then my weight loss is effectively stopped. I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks because of these parties and I have to either find a way to work with them or I'm afraid I'll have to become a hermit if I want to ever reach my goal weight.

    Can you say for sure that you are plateauing because of these parties? Or could there be other factors that is causing you to plateau?

    Remember that correlation does not equal causation.. and I'd take an over all look at what you are doing, before you go blaming the parties.
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    I always expect to put on some water weight at these events. I've been dieting for a year, I understand how my body works by now. But if it takes my body an entire week to shed the extra weight then my weight loss is effectively stopped. I've been on a plateau for 3 weeks because of these parties and I have to either find a way to work with them or I'm afraid I'll have to become a hermit if I want to ever reach my goal weight.

    It doesn't take a week to lose a few hundred calories of "junk food." You also can't call it a plateau if it's only been 3 weeks.

    If you really feel so guilty for eating food then just summon up the courage and say no.
  • monkeynumber100
    monkeynumber100 Posts: 134 Member
    Two cakes: Boston Cream Pie Cake and Caramel Delight Girl Scout Cookie Cake. Buffalo chicken dip, artichoke dip, various chips & vegetables, homemade hummus, possibly some cookie dough truffles, and if I'm really lucky they promise deviled eggs and roasted Brussels sprouts with garlic aioli.


    OK - now that I cleaned the drool off of the keyboard I will try to be helpful. Could you take your own healthy snack to share? I have done that and it worked really well. I made sure I got in a good workout then I took something that I could splurge on that would not not kill me on cals/fat. Since you are taking enough for everybody, it feels like you are just enjoying the snacks with everyone else.

    Hope that helps!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Two cakes: Boston Cream Pie Cake and Caramel Delight Girl Scout Cookie Cake. Buffalo chicken dip, artichoke dip, various chips & vegetables, homemade hummus, possibly some cookie dough truffles, and if I'm really lucky they promise deviled eggs and roasted Brussels sprouts with garlic aioli.


    OK - now that I cleaned the drool off of the keyboard I will try to be helpful. Could you take your own healthy snack to share? I have done that and it worked really well. I made sure I got in a good workout then I took something that I could splurge on that would not not kill me on cals/fat. Since you are taking enough for everybody, it feels like you are just enjoying the snacks with everyone else.

    Hope that helps!

    Well I can help you out with the buffalo chicken dip:
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Sadly, I don't. Still my downfall.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I know it's not a 'trick', and it's easy to say, but just don't eat them.

    I don't believe there is a human being out there who actually doesn't have the will power to last 1 evening in the presence of food and not eat it.

    If you have some, then you get onto the "well I can have just ONE more..." Like if you've had 10, then the difference between 10 and 11 isn't much. But if you have 0. Then the proportionate difference between 0 and 1 is infinite. So just don't.

    Honestly though, are the parties so dull that you keep thinking about the food? I know at bbqs I go to I tend to forget about the food because we're busy kicking a football about or something.
  • duckfloats
    duckfloats Posts: 30
    I just eat really small quantities. We had a party last week and made homemade ice-cream. mmmmm!!! I ate about 1/3 cup, and no more.

    Whatever enjoyment I get from eating a snack is gone within 30 seconds after I'm done with it. So why go with a large quantity?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The same way I would respond if they offered me a cigarette:

    No thanks.

    If the "success" of a party is dependent on whether or not you eat the food, then you need to find another party...perhaps one that focuses instead on the people at the party.
  • dreamsofsomeday
    dreamsofsomeday Posts: 62 Member
    Maybe if you can, you can fill yourself up on healthy foods before you get there. Or, you can drink a lot of water at the party so that you get more full easily while the treats are being offered. Or maybe you can take something with you, such as a nutrition bar or something, that both sweet and satisfying enough to help you not want the foods.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Honestly though, are the parties so dull that you keep thinking about the food? I know at bbqs I go to I tend to forget about the food because we're busy kicking a football about or something.

    Okay, first I'm pretty much thinking about food all the time, dull or not. Right now I'm thinking about dinner, I'm thinking about what's in my fridge, I'm thinking about what my next snack can be, I'm thinking about all of the food at the party. It's how I became obese and yes, I'm already seeing a therapist.

    At these parties my friends/ family have a tendency to congregate in the kitchen, where the food and booze are. It's tough to sit in a kitchen for 4 or 5 hours surrounded by food, watching other people eat and comment on the food without wanting to eat some of it.

    My social circle seems to be quite a bit different from yours.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    If the "success" of a party is dependent on whether or not you eat the food, then you need to find another party...perhaps one that focuses instead on the people at the party.

    Did I really give the impression that the party wouldn't be a success if I don't eat? I certainly didn't mean to. It's just a matter of emotional issues on my part that are tied up with food. Standing around food for 4 or 5 hours with people talking about the food and eating the food leads me to want to join in.
  • smeklc
    smeklc Posts: 94 Member
    I would not be able to say no very well either. My strategy if there are several things that I must have, I take about a tablespoon's worth. Enough for a taste. Try another trick--for every high cal thing (small portion), drink about 8 ounces (1 cup) of water . Maybe the water will fill you up and also start early flushing things out like sodium (which is what will make me gain the next day).
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    By bringing a protein bar. And remembering that the force is strong with you.