How much weight should you lose in your first week?

Tomorrow will be the end of my first week and I know it takes time but how much weight should you typically lose? I've been working out everyday except for 1 and I've been eating healthy and counting calories. I'm curious if any of my current weight is just water weight from drinking a lot more water than I am used to.


  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Actually, drinking more water should cause you to lose water weight. I know, makes little sense, but as you drink more water your body will retain less of it.

    Weight loss will vary greatly from person to person. Some people experience "beginner's luck" weight loss and lose 5-6 pounds their first week, then their pace rapidly dwindles off to a reasonable 1-2 pounds. Some people seem to need to let their body adjust for a few weeks before the weight loss commences. And weight loss is almost never at a steadily artificial pace - you might find that you don't lose for a few weeks then suddenly the scale has a hugely pleasant surprise for you one day.

    Be patient, persevere, and if you haven't lost weight in another couple of weeks it may be time to reassess what you are doing and try something different.

    Also, there are more important health indicators than just pounds.

    Take a picture of yourself right now as scantily clad as you wish (the picture is just for you, and no one else). Stow this picture in a drawer. In three weeks, take another identical picture in the same place and pose and outfit, and compare the two.

    If you are a member of a gym, ask them about body fat percentage testing. The systems most gyms tend to use are not particularly accurate, but they tend to be consistent. Measure your body fat percentage every couple of months. The key is a downward trend.

    And to retain as much muscle as possible during your weight loss, start with some core work (planks, squats) and lifting in your regimen. I didn't, and I'm regretting it now.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    there are WAY too many variables and missing info to be able to give you a real answer. Besides, 1 week is not long enough to see a real change. Just stick to your plan and keep weighing and a month from now you will see results. Sucks to be patient!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    as of 12:01 am monday, i've lost 4.6 pounds after a cheat weak, so yea just water weight, but i'll take it.