Just signed up, love the site!

Off and on WW member for years, this site is simmilar but a little better in some aspects you can see the exact totals of what you are putting in your body rather than a point number. Look foward to meeting to people on the site and working towards my goals and helping others!



  • stemab3
    stemab3 Posts: 58
    I just jumped ship from WW to here......first day was yesterday.
    Good luck on your journey, please feel free to add me. I can use as much support as possible to get this done!
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    I love seeing the nutrition facts of what I eat on here. Although I have to admit I let it drive me crazy. I'm slightly OCD. or at least very anal! There is no perfect day! Add me!!! I love new pals!