Lose 30lbs in 3months

Hey Guys,
just wanted to know if this is a realistic goal or not? I am currently sitting at 174lbs and would love to loose about 30lbs by christmas.. my goal weight is 135-140lbs somewhere in there. I have been working out 6x days cardio, and 3x strength. I go on my ellpitical and also do the walk away the pounds dvd's (i love them) i have different strength training, dvd's - walk away the pound one, yoga, s factor, tao boe and just lifting weights/my own body strength. I have been trying really hard to stay in a good calorie range of 1200-1600 max. Do you think I should really try to be more strict with myself? And try to only eat the 1200 alotted?? I tend to go over my fat intake, and I have just bought a new scale that tells me my body fat % is 35% !!! ahhh how do I get this down? and will I get the weight off in time? What should I am for? At least 20lbs!! lol
any tips would be very welcomed.. thx everyone! - jenn


  • missdayna21
    Hi Jenn! A healthy goal is 1lb per week. The way to do it is to be consistant, the more consistant you are the more weight you loose and actually keep off! Your work out plan sounds awsome!!! I wish I could motivate myself to workout 6 times a week! GOOD FOR YOU! Keep at it!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I set my goal at 1 per week, but I"ve been losing roughly about 2 lbs a week. Which adds up to about 8 lbs a month. I guess it just depends on how consistent you are. I only work out like 2 to 5 times a week. Just make sure you drink your water. Lots, lots, lots of water!
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    agreed one maybe 2 per week is healthy a 10 a month goal isnt SO bad providing you are large enough to have that drop, which at ur wt doesnt seem like it would be healthy and remember that when you lose fat you can also gain muscle so dont let that deter you when the number seems low
  • jenniffer86
    jenniffer86 Posts: 65 Member
    Thnx guys, I just I have just been getting dissapointed that it's not coming off faster, this is the hardest I have worked out! ever.. lol so .. I dunno, I just need to give it some time, I want to keep this weight off, so if I were to loose it too fast, I know it just all comes back then some..
    patience.. something I lack sometimes.. haha =) Thx, though my new goal will be to loose 15lbs, because new years, is about 15wk's away.. ahhh :tongue:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Even though you are getting disappointed don't fall off track. I was getting so frustrated when I didn't see the scale going down and I was working out everyday and watching my calories, I felt kind of stupid when I realized I was eating over my calories.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Ignore the body fat on your scale - it's useless, and incorrect. As I've been told by experts here on MFP, the only REAL way to tell your accurate body fat is to have it properly measured (that's a whole other topic in itself.)

    And... as I keep being reminded by reading posts here..... who cares if you're not to your 30 lbs goal by christmas? This is not a race, and if you stick with this, start off strong and stay strong, you WILL be better off than you are right now. Sure beats being the same, or even 15 lbs heavier than now! As so many people here have said, you'll be happier knowing you're making progress (no matter how small) than you would be if you give up or never start, and look back and say "I wish I had started this 3 months ago!" :bigsmile:

    Keep up the great work - sounds like you're hitting your exercise hard! Don't get burnt out, and remember the saying that eating proper food in YOUR range of caloric needs is probably 3/4 or at least 2/3 of the battle to losing weight.

    :flowerforyou: :smile:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever!!! You will love this site if you don't already. I love this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, easy to use, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!!!!!!!! :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: