Help with Meals/Food

I've noticed that all I really ever eat is Wholemeal Pasta and Noodles. This is usually paired with Sliced Ham or Chicken. Then a basic sauce.

I need ideas for new meals! I'm not a fruit and vegetable kind of guy, so it's hard for me to find foods that are healthy for me but at the same time help me eat enough calories per day.

So what foods or meals could I have instead? Different options to Pasta and Noodles.. things that are low in carbs, yet high enough in protein to make me keep loosing weight!

Thanks to anyone who can help!


  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Well with your pasta, I would add a pesto sauce with sauteed zuchinni or other squash, onion, garlic, mushroom, and any other veg you like.

    I like to have fajitas myself. Or rice with vegies and chicken you can even do a sauce if you like.