Any newbie runners/joggers?

TheKoren Posts: 20 Member
I'm new to the site and starting back into jogging after a 20+ year break. I've been inspired by several friends doing Couch to 5K, although I'm not following anything that formal myself (meaning I don't own a stopwatch, and my phone is of the "dumb" variety, so I'm just winging it, alternating jogging till I get winded or sore, then walking till I'm recovered, then repeat.)

Would love to know how to deal with muscle soreness and whether or not to work through it or take a day or two off. My current strategy is just walking on sore days (to maintain the habit of just getting out there and doing SOMETHING) and jogging only on the days when the soreness is gone. Would love to share tips!!

I don't have specific distance or time goals in mind, I am not organized enough for all that. I did manage to clock the distance of my route in my car: My neighborhood course is a 1.2 mile loop, which I do twice right now.

My only real goal is to get back to where I used to be in high school, when I just ran for the sheer fun of it and enjoyed that feeling of "flying" when you get second wind, etc. Being healthy felt SOOOO good, some of the happiest times of my life, I want them back. Plus, I could EAT back in those days!!

Please add me if you have some wisdom to impart...or even if you just want someone to say "ow, ow, ow" with. Cheers!!