24/M looking to drop 50~60 lbs seeking friends [pics]

That sounds like a personal ad doesn't it? Ha!

In any case, I'm looking to lose some weight I put on when I was younger. Just before I turned 16, I began having severe pain when bending and was diagnosed with ruptured and distended discs in my lower lumbar region. In PT was given the wrong type of exercises for the direction of my ruptures and eventually became too pained to move except to toilet. I began getting injections and eventually started moving again with an added 30~40 lbs.

I stayed 185~200 while I was at university, varying due to stress and money constraints. I ended more in the 200~210 range and fought through some impossibly hard times. I finally started getting my life in order two years ago and had begun using Livestrong to track my food/exercise. I finally got back down to 183lbs and got a new job that came with an office. I managed to keep the gain down to ~10lbs until holidays, when it got back to ~200lbs.

I started getting things sorted in April 2011 and was back down to 190lbs, going to the gym regularly when I was in a nasty wreck (T-boned and rolled through an intersection), and subsequently lost motivation and willpower not to eat my depression and anger at the situation (I wasn't injured, thankfully). I used the incident as an excuse not to work out (too sore!) and to eat crap (can't drive to the grocery!) and the weigh packed back on. My highest (recorded) weight was 223.5lbs.

Last October and decided enough was enough. I saw one too many terrible photo and had to retire one too many favorite article of clothing. I went out on a whim and bought some running shoes and decided I was going to start running. The end of November saw my first 5k, which I completed in 46:30.

February saw my weight hit 201lbs and I was so excited to finally get back under 200... then lost it again. I had to fly cross-country to accept an award and while my career was taking off... so did my weight. I've managed to maintain 210 or less, but after March, it's been miserable getting back into it. Another job change happened in May and while they have a gym open just across the street 24/7, I've had too much trouble getting over there regularly as of late. That, coupled with a move, and I've lost all semblance of regularity and control. I've gotten my daily down but every day around 5pm it falls apart. My fiancé (who is significantly smaller, but who has gained ~20lbs in the last few months) and I have been deviating from our plans and hitting the sweets even when we have a good, healthy dinner.

My calorie count doesn't get monstrously out of control, but I'm averaging 2k~2.1k more often than not. I scarcely exercise, except that I do some arm exercises in the morning with a 10lb weight while I cook breakfast. It's getting to a point that I'm afraid I'll lose all headway I've made, and I am getting buried in excuses.

So! I want some people that will be positive in my life, and who will help motivate me when I'm feeling weak and silly. Between my fiancé who refuses to work out (at all, in any capacity) and my mother and brother who are anorexic (the latter just dropped from 260lbs to 180lbs or less in <6 months, he won't let anyone know what he weighs now), I feel like I'm at a loss for proper support. Anyone who will help me get and keep on track, I will gladly welcome, and I will give back every bit I'm given and more.

Now, obligatory photos:

February '11 ~195lbs

November '11 ~220lbs

May '12 ~206lbs

So there we are! I'll add those who add me and we'll all make excellent choices and changes in our lives! My goal is to get back around 150~160, and to get well toned while doing so. I've taken the first part of this day as a cleanse, drinking a lot of jasmine oolong and planning out some light exercise for when I get off. My fiancé and I are going for sushi this evening and then tomorrow I'll plan it all out and get back on track!


  • andmalia
    andmalia Posts: 5
    Hello! Let me start off by saying congratulations on losing 15lbs already! Anyway, my name is Malia and I'm 20 years old. I have around the same amount of weight to lose as you (45lbs). Hopefully we both can motivate each other to lose more weight!

    Oh, by the way, yay to you drinking oolong tea. I always drink oolong tea for breakfast; I love it. Haha.
  • ettezus
    ettezus Posts: 10 Member
    Well-written personal ad! -- no, no I kid, ha ha. Jokes aside -- congratulations on getting started on your "fitness journey" (I'd call it weight loss, but honestly, that's juts one part of it all)! My name's Suzette and I'm 23 and once upon a time, I was also around your weight (200 lbs, but on a 5 foot frame, yikes!) and since then, I've lost about 50 lbs. or so (over the last 5 years -- on and off). I'm now at a point where I need to lose about 20-25 lbs. to be in a healthy range and I've been off track for almost a year now. Looking forward to getting back on track alongside you!
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    Well-written personal ad!

    Thanks, haha! I really just wanted to put good specifiers in the title about my age, gender, weightloss goal and note that I had some pictures, but it REALLY comes off like a personal ad. I'm taken though, so no ideas MFPians!

    Thank you everyone who's come across this thread and added me without posting in it, and to the two lovely ladies who did both. You guys rock, and I'm already more motivated than I was before ;D
  • OnTheReg
    OnTheReg Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry your fiance isn't really supporting you. I hope you can stick with it even without that help. Right now my wife's been on here for a month longer and got me involved, I know she got me doing this for my health but I know it helps her too. Keep up with it and maybe she'll change her mind. This should be a life style change. I mean it really is a matter of at least your quality of life.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    You can do it, just don't hurt yourself. Back problems aren't cool, my dad has one and struggles with his weight. Don't aggravate it, just watch what you eat and exercise in a way that doesn't put undue strain on your back. At 24 you're going to have an uphill battle with back problems right now, but if you're determined you'll do great.
  • cestlafete
    cestlafete Posts: 71 Member
    Sorry your fiance isn't really supporting you. I hope you can stick with it even without that help. Right now my wife's been on here for a month longer and got me involved, I know she got me doing this for my health but I know it helps her too. Keep up with it and maybe she'll change her mind. This should be a life style change. I mean it really is a matter of at least your quality of life.

    The one thing that I'm thinking we CAN do together is start eating cleaner/healthier. We popped into Whole Foods to-day before my belated birthday cookout with family and there was a great deal of pouting when we had to just rush in and rush out. We plan to go back soon for a more leisurely look around. I'm hoping that we can get on track with that and maybe then get on the same page in more ways!
    You can do it, just don't hurt yourself. Back problems aren't cool, my dad has one and struggles with his weight. Don't aggravate it, just watch what you eat and exercise in a way that doesn't put undue strain on your back. At 24 you're going to have an uphill battle with back problems right now, but if you're determined you'll do great.

    I'm lucky in that I've gotten better over the years instead of worse (at least so far). I haven't had an injection for a few years now and I'm able to get around without too much trouble most of the time. I do get still with exertion and weather, but I've been very lucky otherwise. I'm addicted to high-impact cardio (DDR and now running), but I've also been trying to get more into yoga, which is helping stretch out those muscles that gets so bunched up around the bum disc(s). I don't do a lot of heavy lifting and watch out for anything that requires a lot of strain on my back, at least for now. I'm sure I'll be able to overcome it though!