Introduction- Hi :)

Hi, I'm Kasey. I'm 22 and I have 174 lbs to lose. I'm doing 30 day shred and using my treadmill. I don't really have any endurance for running yet, but I walk and will do like a minute of runnning and hope over time my endurance goes up. MY goal is at least 2 miles of moderate or more walking on the treadmill and a session of 30 day shred a day. I eat vegan during the week with sunday as a cheat day so I don't feel like I can never have a burger again. It's hard dieting with 3 kids 4 and under, one of whom I'm nursing, but I really want to get in shape and be healthy for them. I gained a ton of weight post pregnancy from a combination of things, one of which is hypothyroidism which I now take meds for, and I really want to get my body in shape so I can play with my kids the way they deserve. Last week my grandma died at barely 60 years old, from a lot of health problems that stemmed from her youth obesity (she had bariatric in the 80s to lose, but became anorexic for fear of gaining and it went downhill from there). I refuse to let myself give my youth away to obesity and I refuse to be middle aged at 25 or 30, so I'm really motivated to get in shape. I started in spring 2011 at 355 lbs. Right now I'm at 319 and my goal weight is 145.


  • Christina_Cumbria

    I'm new too so thought I'd say hi and wish you luck on your journey. I admire your desire to get fit for you and your family.

    Christina x
  • Chan0629
    Chan0629 Posts: 19
    Hey there, I am new as well. Just wanted to wish you luck! You can do it!
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    welcome and good luck! great job on your loss already...keep it going :smile:
  • sezziejm
    sezziejm Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Kasey.....good luck on your can do it :) xx
  • maytyall
    maytyall Posts: 2
    Hi, I've been dieting and exercising since the end of March of this year. I weighed in at 172-175 not to 162-165....:mad:
    But now I'm not sure what to do since I've reached this plateau. I notice since I've started I am having a hard time eating my caloric intake daily. I always eat below and then one day I'll eat a bit more. It's not really evening out. I see that when I do lose weight I don't have a hard time maintaining the weight I've lost. I need to lose 42 pounds to be at my goal. Any ideas? Thank you! :explode:
  • Annitte
    Annitte Posts: 37 Member
    You're going to do great! Way to go MOM!!
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Have you tried to change your workouts? For a long time I couldnt do too much ( 3 close together pregnancies and a c section for the last one) but this month I'm officially allowed reallllll hardcore working out (youngest baby is 6 mos and I can move my stomach muscles on purpose again, post c section! woo) and I am trying to really mix up what I'm doing. 30 day shred is I believe circuit training, so it uses a variety of muscles, and I walk on my inclined treadmill. I want to get a stair stepper thing too! I think using different exercises works really well. But I tihnk that diet is the most important tihng, because it alllll comes down to calories. I have to eat, a lot. I'm always hungry! So I find ways to eat a good amount of food that is low cal. and nutritious. This is why I eat a ton of beans and veggies and fruits, and those are my main foods. I could eat a slice of pizza...Or I can throw a tablespoon of coconut oil and a table spoon of minced garlic in a pan, heat it a bit, and throw in some sliced summer squash and frozen spinach and eat the whole delicious pan and feel good about it. Sometimes I'm really hungry, even after I eat. I drink carbonated water when this happens- it REALLY helps! I think the as fills your stomach or something.
    I have lost a lot of weight before, but I regained it after I had baby #2 and I couldn't afford my thyroid meds. I was 310 Jan 2009 and 240 in June 2009. But after having him and not having my thyroid meds I was up to 355 by mid-late 2010!!!! I was 355 until last march, and I lost weight during my pregnancy because I had my meds again and I was eating better. I'm down to 319, and I never, ever want to see anything higher on the scale again. I actually looked pretty good at 190, I'm a very curvy/busty type person so I would be happy just to be under 200 but my goal is to be 145 because it is a healthy weight for my height. I don't want to be skinny, my partner loves me at the weight I am at and doesn't care for the physical aspect of me getting in shape or anything. I want to feel healthy, because I want to be able to play with my kids without getting tired and I want them to copy my healthy eating habits so they never know the feeling of being too fat to go on a plane, or go on a them park ride, or go to the movies (at my biggest, I couldn't fit in the seats at the theatre. I was a size 28 in jeans. I'm at a 24 now, which isn't exactly tiny but I can really feel the difference).
    I come from a family where everyone is fat, no one exercises, and they all complain about being fat or make fun of people who try to be healthy (read: vegans are pretentious, look at the girl jogging like she's so great, etc.) and I don't want my kids to think of exercising as a chore so I'm trying to break the cycle. My sister just had her 1st baby and shes at about 170-180 now from like 135 and really discouraged, so I'm hoping she decides to try and get in shape now and follow my lead (I don't think she looks bad but she doesn't like her weight or feel healthy) rather than let her weight go out of control like I did.
    Oddly enough, I really don't miss any of the junky foods I've given up. And since I started exercising I have more energy than ever!