Help needed to get back on the wagon!

RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
I'm struggling so bad to get back on the wagon!! I was on a roll, happily losing weight, eating roughly 1400 calories a day. I was eating every two - three hours, was never hungry and drinking gallons of water. I lost over 40lb in total losing roughly 2lb a week.

I stopped losing weight after a friend asked me to be a bridesmaid and brought my dress. I had to go back on to maintenance to stay the same size and I did. I stayed the same size for almost 9 months telling myself I could jump back into it after the wedding.

The wedding was on the 5th May and two months on I still weight the same as I did.

I'm struggling to get back to weight loss calories. I thought starting back at losing a lb would help (1700 calories) but I still over eat. I switched to maintenance and told myself I would exercise the deficit off but I've only ended up eating up to my calories and then some.

I think some of it is boredom or emotional eating. I'll be eating and suddenly become aware I am eating. I'll have internal battles with myself saying 'NO you don't need it, you are NOT hungry' but I'll eat it anyway. Work isn't challenging my brain much at the moment either and all I seem to do is eat even when I'm not hungry.

I've tried logging in the morning, planning my calories and I'll still over eat. I have a fridge full of fruit and I eat none of it, instead I go to the shop and buy rubbish. The only plus side is the guilt is making me exercise more but not enough to level out the over eating.

I'm feeling really annoyed with myself as I feel like a failure and that I'm really letting myself down which makes it worse.

I have a goal! I'm going to Zante with my boyfriend in August. I have four weeks to get beach ready. All my holiday clothes are uk size 14 (all fit but very snug). I'm hoping to lose enough by then for them to fit properly.

The point of this post is to ask for some help and advice. What would you do if you were me?? How do I re-motivate myself?


  • hardymommy123
    hardymommy123 Posts: 32 Member
    It is sooooooo hard to get remotivted. Believe me I know!!! I was like you...doing great and super motivated. I had lost 57 pounds to go to the Bahamas with my husband in March!! After the trip I went right back to old habits and ate what I wanted, didn't drink water, blah get it. Next thing I knew I had GAINED 20 of that back!! I was sooooo depressed and de-motivated. I have been trying so hard to get back on track and have lost 11 of that 20, but still have alot to lose.

    I find that being on here helps motivate me alot. Make as many friends on here as you can. When you see all of their posts that they are working out...then maybe you will feel more motivated to work out. Also, when I see people are losing weight or if I look at their diaries and see how healthy they are eating that helps too. I also think your trip will be a huge motivator. Everytime you go to eat something just think of the trip!!!

    And just remember you are still going to have an off day. I have alot of them!!! One day at a time girl:-) I will friend request you...maybe we can motivate each other as well!
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    I've made the first step of re-opening my diary. I was getting to embarrassed to have it open but hoping it will help. knowing people can check on me. Also switched from maintenance to losing a lb.

    Thanks for the request. Its nice to know I'm not alone in this.
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    It's tough but I find that letting logging in everyday and seeing my friends work out and log it inspires me to get off of my butt. Another thing I do is read the success stories every other day so Im reminded of the rewards that will come.

    I also don't beat myself up if I'm actually exhausted and can't workout that day. I don't beat myself up if I eat a chocolate bar that day. I DO make sure I don't overdo it by reminding myself how crappy I used to feel after eating poorly and in excess. When I do feel bad from eating poorly I make myself work out anyway.

    Another thing is to get a workout buddy. One that will hold u accountable. My best friend drives to my house at 5 am and goes running with me. If I try to skip out she will listen to my reason and then tell me if she deems acceptable. Lol. Keeps men on track.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    Another thing is to get a workout buddy. One that will hold u accountable. My best friend drives to my house at 5 am and goes running with me. If I try to skip out she will listen to my reason and then tell me if she deems acceptable. Lol. Keeps men on track.

    My sister just started losing weight and we have done a bit of exercise together. Maybe we should do some more. A workout buddy sounds like a good idea. :)

    My boyfriend is days away from finishing Insanity. He looks amazing and I'm really proud of him but sadly I really don't think I'm Insanity material yet. I got a nose bleed just doing the fit test. lol!
  • Valdeezie
    Valdeezie Posts: 42 Member
    I do Insanity, too, but since I run as my main excerise I do Insanity part time. It's pretty fun And u burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. The time goes by quickly during the workout, too.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Exercise buddies are great, but loss is 80% diet -- get back to the calories that will help you lose and after the first day or two you'll be back into the groove. I always find it super hard to get back on track, but after the first day it almost feels like you never went off.

    Open your diary, be scrupulously honest, and the pounds will start to fly off.

    Good luck!