Deit Devotion - Feb. 22

PammyB3130 Posts: 203
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

David was driving everyone crazy. He seemed to breeze through his diet while everyone else struggled. At first, everyone assumed he was cheating on his diet, but when he began losing weight faster than everyone else, they gave up on that thought. It was finally discovered that only one thing made David different from the rest of the group: David was a Christian. He began sharing his faith and told the others they could cast all their cares on the Lord, and God would help them face all their trials and temptations. The group not only lost weight, they gained faith!
Today's thought: As we cast our cares on God, He casts His love on us!


This was actually the main verse that our Pastor taught on wednesday night at church!! it was very interesting....he actually made the point that in the greek "casting" in this verse doesn't just mean putting down, but it actually means throwing it down. and we all know the difference between placing something down and throwing something down with force. God gives us the strength to take all our trials, worries, troubles and throw them with force right away from us...He will give us the strength to endure...He will love us and give us the power to succeed!!

Another thing that really spoke to me during the teaching was that as Christians we are told to bear one another's burdens, and then in another place we are told to each bear our own burden....this may seem like a contradiction, but in the greek the word "burden" means two different degrees of burdens. we are do bear our day to day troubles and trials that everyone has, but we are to help each other out with the extra load that can sometimes fall on our shoulders.

so I hope and pray that everyone is doing well today and that we will cast ALL our cares upon the Lord for He cares for us!!


  • 1 Peter 5:7
    Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.

    David was driving everyone crazy. He seemed to breeze through his diet while everyone else struggled. At first, everyone assumed he was cheating on his diet, but when he began losing weight faster than everyone else, they gave up on that thought. It was finally discovered that only one thing made David different from the rest of the group: David was a Christian. He began sharing his faith and told the others they could cast all their cares on the Lord, and God would help them face all their trials and temptations. The group not only lost weight, they gained faith!
    Today's thought: As we cast our cares on God, He casts His love on us!


    This was actually the main verse that our Pastor taught on wednesday night at church!! it was very interesting....he actually made the point that in the greek "casting" in this verse doesn't just mean putting down, but it actually means throwing it down. and we all know the difference between placing something down and throwing something down with force. God gives us the strength to take all our trials, worries, troubles and throw them with force right away from us...He will give us the strength to endure...He will love us and give us the power to succeed!!

    Another thing that really spoke to me during the teaching was that as Christians we are told to bear one another's burdens, and then in another place we are told to each bear our own burden....this may seem like a contradiction, but in the greek the word "burden" means two different degrees of burdens. we are do bear our day to day troubles and trials that everyone has, but we are to help each other out with the extra load that can sometimes fall on our shoulders.

    so I hope and pray that everyone is doing well today and that we will cast ALL our cares upon the Lord for He cares for us!!
  • Thank you. This is very helpful to me today!!
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