jayhawks anyone?!

hi! I'm lexie and I'm about 2 weeks in to mfp. I am looking to lose about 50 pounds and would love some friends to do it with. If you have good tips, motivational words or just want more friends too feel free to add me.

a little about myself, I am a 20 (nearly 21) year old student and I live in Lawrence Kansas (go jayhawks)! I began college as a teaching major, about half way through changed to social work and now am attending radiology school. I love music, nature, shows, painting, hiking, sleeping, going out with friends, reading and doing new things and meeting new people! I am about to turn twenty one and see it as a turning point in my life, a fresh start I guess you could say, and would love to lose 10 pounds before my birthday. think you can help?! add me :)
