30 day shred adventure



  • 1n2m3g
    1n2m3g Posts: 40 Member
    HI! Just finished day 12 of the shred, first attempt. Level 2 is significantly harder for me than level 1 was, but I feel fantastic and I'm very happy that the torture only lasts 20 minutes or so per day! Good luck to you in reaching your goals!
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    I just started round 2 of the shred this week, I did it the first time in Jan and def lost inches and toned, I prob only lost 4 lbs that month. I dont mind though, slow and steady wins the race and if im toning and losing inches then I'm not complaining. I did throw in extra exercises at least 3x a week in Jan. I fell off the wagon in June so this month I thought I would try what I know has worked for me. I have only done Level 1 this week and no extra exercise yet, I may start incorporating it in gradually though, walking or jogging. I feel great though just starting it again and even though I've completed it before, its still a workout for sure!
  • 318brandy
    318brandy Posts: 2
    I started 30DS yesterday and I am a little sore today. It was tough to keep up with even though I have been going to the gym since April, and am still planning to walk on the treadmill 3 days a week for 30 minutes and 1 day a week for an hour. I am hoping to lose some inches, not really concerned with the weight aspect.
  • danielle_jeanne
    danielle_jeanne Posts: 58 Member
    I started yesterday, and felt pretty ok today. I've been working out for a year or so, but not really tracking calories. Got back on here to track calories and try a little harder. I *do* think that I need 3lb weights instead of the 5lb ones I was using though- my form felt bad.
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    I am in loooove with Jillian Michaels AND this workout. Though in the middle of the workout you might feel like "ugh oh my god I cannot take any more", by the end you'll almost be ready to tack on an extra circuit! Each level eases you in to the other, and after a few days your body will adapt and the soreness will virtually disappear.

    I didn't have much to lose by way of "inches" (I'm not overweight) or pounds, but everything is waaaaay more defined than it had been when I started, and it made me feel totally strong and fabulous.
  • weezella
    weezella Posts: 10 Member
    Love the shred!! Did the whole DVD religiously and had great results on the scale and in inches!! Good luck I barely made it through the warm up in level one but keep pushing you will get it!! I am glad that I did!!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    If you're not having good results it's either 1) your diet or 2) you need heavier weights! Trust me it works. Just do a search on MFP for "30 day shred" and you'll see tons of pics. I did the 30 days in about 40 days...

  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I did day 3 of Level 3 this mornng. I have only lost 4 lbs while doing this, but have lost lots of inches and can feel muscles in my arms and legs.
    I also walk 3-4 miles 3 times a week and am starting Slim in 6. Level 3 is kicking my butt, it is much harder than the other levels.
    But it feels great after you finish each day.
  • SSP236
    SSP236 Posts: 1
    I started the 30 day shred yesterday as well. I was really not motivated but Jillian helps. I was thinking of getting her Body Revolution program and then thought about when I bought 30 day shred and how I did not get through more than 3 days straight. I want to do it this time and the support here will totally keep me going. We can do it!!!
  • suzikay12
    suzikay12 Posts: 150 Member
    I have never gotten faster visible results from any other work out video. It worked so well that all of my friends started doing it after seeing my results.
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    I first started the 30DS in July last year but never finished. I think my hubby and I got about halfway through the second level and then petered out. I started again this month with the intention of doing 30 days in a row straight through. I haven't been able to maintain it. I think I'm in pretty good shape, run 3.8 miles 2-3 times a week and hike 6+ miles every weekend. I do at least 40 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. But this thing kicks my butt!! I get so tired and just can't manage to do it every single day.

    But I am determined to finish this time around, even if it takes a lot longer than 30 days! LOL On a positive note, I found my measurements from when we started the program last July and can compare the change over the last year. It's amazing! Can't wait to see where I end up at the end of this round. :)
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm on Level 2, Day 3... I'm not strictly what you would call overweight but was a complete novice with exercise, totally unfit, no muscle, untoned. The change in fitness and the sheer feeling of strength and power is what has kept me doing it. It's phenomenal!!! On Day 7 I started supplementing it with Ripped In 30 and I've not had a single day off. I don't really know about inch-loss because I stupidly didn't take my measurements until Day 7 of Level 1 but as for weight loss I've had none and in fact I gained about 4 or 5lbs!!! I eat pretty healthy foods, no fast food of any kind, no sweets or chocolate...Anyone got any idea why that happened? I'm a bit mystified but am 'trusting the process'...
  • Carol7Jean
    Carol7Jean Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone for your comments... I started it yesterday and yes...legs are sore! I plan on doing it again today here in just a minute. I am glad to hear about losing the inces that everybody has stated. If I can just look toned I'd be happy. I am not a small framed person but I when I keep up with my health and well being I have the more athletic body. I know I will never be in a size 4 just because I've been cursed with big hips. So if I can just tone up I will be reaching part of my fitness goals :) Thanks once again for everyones progress with the workout.
  • CHN_
    CHN_ Posts: 94 Member
    Stick with it even if you are sore. My first week my abs were burning, but then it got better. I did my second day of level 2 today, and it's still hard but so much fun as well.

    And as someone mentioned, up the weights if you are able, as it will give you a better workout. I do 2lbs on anything that involves my shoulders, and 8lbs for the rest.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I'm on Day 5 of Level 1, I also do Turbo Jam everyday or strength training,I'm so used to doing Turbo Jam tho I really didn't wanna give it up and so far it hasn't been to much for me. I use 5lbs but that is also what I'm using right now for my sculpting in Turbo Jam so it doesn't really bother me to do the shoulder exercises. Feel free to add me if you'd like some extra support =)
  • nicolan11
    nicolan11 Posts: 1
    Hello, can i b daft & ask what is the 30day shred.....?????
  • acelynp2
    acelynp2 Posts: 72 Member
    Love love love the 30DS! I saw visible results after about 4-5 times of doing level 1. I added it to the rest of my workouts so I only do it 2-3x a week plus an hour long circuit class at the gym 1x. I always add 10-15 min extra cardio after the 30DS. On off days I run or spin or walk. I am now on Day 3 level 2 but taking a break this week because it is hurting my knees. I can't believe that rotten luck but I am determined to get back to it, maybe just taking it slower or modifying since I do think it is making me firmer, fitter and stronger. I have lost an inch in my belly and hips and find clothes fitting more loosely. Abs feel flatter. I have done boot camps, pilates, yoga and circuit class and while I felt great doing each of those, the shred has had the most visible and immediate results of any of them.
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I finished day 4 of 30DS this morning. I feel great, and haven't really lost weight, but I have already noticed a difference. Since I'm not so sore anymore, I plan on walking/hiking a lot more again.
  • susanna060408
    susanna060408 Posts: 28 Member
    I did the 30 DS from March 22nd-April 30th (each level for 10 days) and lost 8.5 lbs and 11 inches. I couldn't recommend the program more highly. Definitely take measurements and B&A pics - you can really see a difference in the pics that you might not notice in the mirror! Stick with it and you will have great results.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    After all I hear about the 30-day shred I'm gonna start it and see how it goes.