Diet soda

sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
Will drinking any types of diet soda inhibit you from losing weight? I know it has no calories, but not good for you. answers? :)


  • jsherrill92
    jsherrill92 Posts: 775 Member
    I drink 1 or 2 a day. Hasn't stopped me any.
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    you're going to get answers from both sides. if you're losing weight with drinking it and like it then continue drinking it. try cutting back to 1 can a day maybe if you drink lots of it. moderation in all things.
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I drink at least 3 cans of diet coke a day...I have lost over 50 pounds. It is not the best...but not the worst. You should try to drink as much plain water as you can.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    No it does not inhibit weight loss.
  • Nikki_Gets_Fit
    Nikki_Gets_Fit Posts: 62 Member
    I know it is very high in sodium, which will make you retain water. I use to be addicted to diet pop (6 cans or so a day!) and it was mostly for the caffeine. When I started trying to lose weight, I switched to Crystal Light (ones with caffeine) and it has helped a TON. Plus....not nearly half the sodium and I can get my water in as well :)
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I drink 1 or 2 a day. Hasn't stopped me any.
    your a man- different body type but for me i stopped and weight dropped quicker-besides so not healthy. ditch the diet drinks...youll see the difference quick
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks guys!!
  • akaOtherWise
    akaOtherWise Posts: 110 Member
    It doesn't have any nutritional value/calories, therefore it won't hinder your weight loss results. I tested it out and went a month drinking none at all. The next month I drank 3-4 each day consuming the same amount of calories as the previous month and lost the same amount of weight. It didn't change a thing. The extra sodium content from the soda can make your body retain more water but that's not really that big of a deal
  • KayeeDaisyBee
    I drink one a day everyday and it's never stopped any weight-loss efforts now or previously.
    The theory is it makes you crave sugar and then you eat something yummy and unhealthy and therefore don't lose weight but whatever, it actually satisfies a sugar-craving for me and if it does make you want chocolate or something then i think it comes down to willpower. It's probably not the healthiest thing in the world but at less than 1 calorie a can for most brands it certainly isn't going to hinder your weight-loss.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Will drinking any types of diet soda inhibit you from losing weight? I know it has no calories, but not good for you. answers? :)

    nope. calories are what make weight. no calories, no weight.
  • sdcohen85
    sdcohen85 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for all the help! this is why I love MFP :)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I know it is very high in sodium ...

    no. it isn't. one can has 2% of your daily limit. when did that become 'very high?'

    (many crystal light packets have no sodium, but others have between 10 and 35mg. most soda is around that same amount.)
  • LonLB
    LonLB Posts: 1,126 Member
    Give Dr Pepper 10 a try. More calories than the other diet soda's but delicious.

    I almost never drink soda, so when I do I want it to be truly great. So I'll drink a regular soda every couple months, and Dr Pepper 10 every 2-3 weeks
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I know it is very high in sodium, which will make you retain water. I use to be addicted to diet pop (6 cans or so a day!) and it was mostly for the caffeine. When I started trying to lose weight, I switched to Crystal Light (ones with caffeine) and it has helped a TON. Plus....not nearly half the sodium and I can get my water in as well :)

    EXACTLY.. you will retain lots of water.. and per my daughters cardiologist, diet soda will also dehydrate you... she said for the heart.. regular soda is better because you arent putting a man made substance into your body...

    If you need caffeine, try diet green tea! It has TONS of good qualities, without the calories and the aspertaine!
  • ScottFree_66
    ScottFree_66 Posts: 200
    I am following a "low sodium" diet plan and the sodium content in diet soda is not so bad.... a 20oz bottle of coke zero has 70mg sodium. I drink 2 a day and can keep my sodium under 1500mg.

    When I do go over my sodium goal... it's NOT because of a diet soda :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I know it is very high in sodium, which will make you retain water. I use to be addicted to diet pop (6 cans or so a day!) and it was mostly for the caffeine. When I started trying to lose weight, I switched to Crystal Light (ones with caffeine) and it has helped a TON. Plus....not nearly half the sodium and I can get my water in as well :)

    EXACTLY.. you will retain lots of water.. and per my daughters cardiologist, diet soda will also dehydrate you... she said for the heart.. regular soda is better because you arent putting a man made substance into your body...

    If you need caffeine, try diet green tea! It has TONS of good qualities, without the calories and the aspertaine!

    last i checked even regular soda is "man made" and in any case, being "man made" isn't inherently bad.
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    I gave up diet coke once for a couple years and then went back on ... and there was no noticeable weight loss or gain difference during either time that i would attribute to diet coke. :D it's my favorite!
  • bridgettegarzonie
    bridgettegarzonie Posts: 54 Member
    The artificial sweetners in sodas are being linked to lots of diseases and other issues. Some call it worse for you than regular sodas because of the sweetners. If you can, I wouldn't drink it. I don't drink sodas very often but when I do, it's a full blown regular soda.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Some people think it's evil! You will die if you drink it! Yes, I'm just kidding. I drink it and generic diet koolaid daily and I've lost 41lbs since January. It may not be as pure as water but it sure beats the alternative of calorie laden reg. soda!