Offended by a compliment



  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Serious? Nobody has complimented your muscles? Who is the guy with you in the last picture, punch some sense into him.
    that is my husband lol
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    Muscular thighs are the result of lifting heavy if you don't like the results then quit crossfit, because muscular thighs are your future. Go do spin classes instead or something.
  • kirstenmaria
    kirstenmaria Posts: 112 Member
    I can't wait til someone tells me I look's going to be a long time and a lot of hard work before I hear that though.

    Don't beat yourself up about "muscular" thighs. When in doubt, look at a picture of a cheerleader or a dancer...they have strong, muscular legs, but they don't look "bulky".
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I would love to have muscular thighs.
  • ShellyShuey
    ShellyShuey Posts: 162
    That was a super awesome compliment you should be happy! It's not like he said your legs look fat. Muscle is the new skinny! Be proud of your hard work.

  • Vivaciousfemale
    Vivaciousfemale Posts: 29 Member
    I think the point everyone missed here is that "You don't want muscular thighs"..

    I would suggest reevaluating your exercise routine and maybe consider doing something other than "lifting" for strength training. there are plenty of other types of exercises that will transform you legs into Lean mean muscle machines. The weight lifting may be adding the bulk that you do not want.

    Consult a trainer or search online.

    Good Luck! Enjoy your Health.. you're working really hard on being fit and being down on yourself is so exhausting.

  • kbronner08
    I can understand why you might be worried about being too muscular, but the guy at cross fit may have meant that all your hard work is paying off and you are really starting to gain muscle and lose fat, therefore the contours of the muscles are starting to show. No offence to any men reading this, but that guy just may have not realized that what he thought of as a compliment might not want to be what a girl wants to hear. NONETHELESS, it was a compliment, and surely he wouldn't have said it if you didn't look great!
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    Aw, that's too bad you're offended. I'm very proud of my muscular legs and have only received compliments about them. I love that my calves are as thick as my thick quads. Shows all the work I put into soccer and fitness. Now, if I could only get the mid-section just as strong looking! You should be proud as well. They're testaments to the care you take of yourself. :smile:
  • Strivingtochange
    Strivingtochange Posts: 3 Member
    I get what you mean. I hate when my mom says "I wish I had your legs, they're so muscular!" To me it makes me feel huge.