New and need some motivational friends!

Angylgrrl Posts: 159 Member
Hello everyone! I'm relatively new here. I started using the MFP app on my Android phone about 3 weeks ago, but I wasn't consistently logging everything. I also wasn't using the full site, so I didn't realize the many awesome things that were here!

Anyway, I am looking to add some motivational friends here to keep me in check. I'd appreciate people who are encouraging. I've tried losing weight before, but never really seriously. This time, I really want to make the change. I am opening up my diary to my friends to stay accountable, and I am doing my absolute best to log every calorie that goes into my body, and to be realistic with how many calories I am burning.

As for a bit more about me, I am a classically-trained vocalist, a music teacher currently in a part-time teaching job, a pharmacy technician, and a bit of a geek. I love me some Harry Potter (our wedding will have HP elements in it) and Lord of the Rings. Not in the "go to cons and cosplay" way, but enough.

I welcome any and all friend requests and promise that I will be encouraging and try to keep you motivated to stick with this. I know I can do it, and I know you can as well.
