Protruding stomach and the coil....linked??



  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I know exactly what you mean about a protruding stomach. I, too, have a distended lower ab area that is not fat. However, I also have lots of pain (lower back and abdominal tenderness). There are many things that can cause this and I am currently investigating with my doctor. In fact, I had an ultrasound just yesterday. Things to check out: uterus, ovaries (can be cysts with no other symptoms), bladder and intestines. So, maybe it is just time for those check-ups? I get ovarian cysts and they can make my belly VERY distended. I also have IBS-constipation, so that complicates the matter. Anyway, I really do know what you mean and you are not alone, but if you haven't had regular GYN checkups and maybe even colonoscopy it might just be the thing to motivate you to get those check-ups!!

    That is crazy as I have PCO also, not the full syndrome but cysts on my ovaries (hence I needed fertility treatment to conceive our 1st child) and I get IBS and constipation. The same as you. Interesting. I will make an appointment at some stage to see a specialised GP about this issue.

    BTW it is the mirena coil I have in, everyone here just calls it the coil.

    thanks for the replies ladies.
  • Ziggyzambo
    Ziggyzambo Posts: 46 Member
    Just because it doesn't jiggle doesn't mean it isn't fat. It sounds like you are describing visceral (aka abdominal fat), which is under, not on top of the muscle. It may be that the contraceptive hormones cause you to deposit your excess fat there instead of elsewhere, but it should still shrink as you lose weight.
  • kabbit42
    kabbit42 Posts: 85
    I just want to add my 2 cents to the never try depo jar. My best friend got the shot several years ago and was a mess. She went from a perfectly happy person to an emotional wreck over night. And once you get it there is nothing you can do but wait for it to wear off. For some people it works great and that is good for them but I would never take the chance that I would be one of the people that had a bad reaction.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    Just got a call from my doctor. My protruding stomach that isn't fat? ovarian cysts again! These buggers suck. I have major low back pain, bloating and distension of lower abs, abdominal tenderness at times. Glad it isn't something serious, but I can tell you that I am no wimp and these things have caused me some serious pain! Anyway, even without pain these cysts can cause serious abdominal distension; even to the point of looking pregnant when you aren't! So, worth checking it out with your gyno because it is good to keep an eye on them. I'll bet you just keep getting cysts like me. Stupid lady parts...