Our Scale.. is headed for the trash can!

mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Today I realized our scale is in dire need of a trash can. It's an old scale that isn't digital.
I stepped on the scale- and the number was much lower than I had thought it would be!
(I stopped smoking a few months back and turned to food).. but I soon realized
that everytime i stepped on i got completely different numbers... from 290 to 245
to 220... apparently from what i can tell- because it's old when you stand on it
the pressure presses down on the spinning numbers and screws it up. (hence the
reason when you stand on it like you should- i only get 220.. and i know im closer to 280-300 right now).

Guess it's time the trash! I will be heading to my moms to use her scale so get an accurate base
for tackling my food addiction now =) and then heading to the store and purchasing a digital scale

anyways it just gave me a laugh to see 220 =) it was a good laugh =)


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    May I humbly suggest. . .buying a tape measure instead?

    IMHO, all scales belong in the trash. (but that's just me.:flowerforyou: )
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Do you guys think that a digital scale is better than a regular scale.? Just wondering..
  • I like the way your scale is reading - mine is way more cruel! I'm shopping for a new one too!
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Today I realized our scale is in dire need of a trash can. It's an old scale that isn't digital.
    I stepped on the scale- and the number was much lower than I had thought it would be!
    (I stopped smoking a few months back and turned to food).. but I soon realized
    that everytime i stepped on i got completely different numbers... from 290 to 245
    to 220... apparently from what i can tell- because it's old when you stand on it
    the pressure presses down on the spinning numbers and screws it up. (hence the
    reason when you stand on it like you should- i only get 220.. and i know im closer to 280-300 right now).

    Guess it's time the trash! I will be heading to my moms to use her scale so get an accurate base
    for tackling my food addiction now =) and then heading to the store and purchasing a digital scale

    anyways it just gave me a laugh to see 220 =) it was a good laugh =)

    I just bought a digital scale and it was pretty darn cheap! I didn't even see 'regular' scales there, though maybe there were someplace I wasn't looking.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    Well aside from $100+ the only ones i've found around here are digital. I feel like with digital there's a smaller room for error. As long as the scale is consitant- that's all that matters to me.. even if it isn't exact with the weight. And with a digital scale- it is what it is.. there's no "well it's closer to that number..." or trying to adjust the line to match up with 0 before you step on.
  • KismetHot
    KismetHot Posts: 26 Member
    I personally hate the scale! But keep one around to monitor progress every two weeks. Until then I don't get the urge to see. I am on a new diet program and decided to wait 2 weeks in to see if it was working. I didnt want to weight myself everyday and get discouraged. Weight will go up and down throughout the day. So I weigh myself the same time every to weeks. Good luck girl! :smile: :smile:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    I confess that I am a scale addict. :blushing: I weigh myself every morning and every night. When it is higher then I try harder, when it is lower I am excited and motivated.

    When I feel like reading a book and eating popcorn, I step on the scales and find myself heading out the door for the YMCA instead.
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    I confess that I am a scale addict. :blushing: I weigh myself every morning and every night. When it is higher then I try harder, when it is lower I am excited and motivated.

    I must confess also, I too am addicted to the scale. I noticed that when I weigh everyday, It holds me accountable and like you said, it gauges my activities/menu for the day.

    When I stopped weighing everyday, the weight crept up and when I weigh everyday, my weight stays stable.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I purchased a digital scale at Walgreens for less than $25. I check it against my doctor's scale every few months when I get a checkup and it always matches. It never fails to weigh consistently, the SAME weight, even if you hop on and off, hoping for a lower number, Darn!!:laugh:

    So I know it is accurate, and by using it once a week, I am staying on the road to my goal, instead of ending up in a side street, surrounded by things that I shouldn't be eating too much of!! Sometimes, if I need a extra reinforcement, I will weigh more than once a week.

    Tape measures are all well and good, but I prefer the scale because you can fudge with a tape measure, by accident or design, since you may not measure in exactly the same place each time. I have not recorded my measurements since I started, but the fact that I have gone from a 24W pant to an 18 misses, or 16W:drinker: :drinker: is definite proof that the weight I have lost is for real.

    My scale confirms this. It is my partner in a life changing journey to being as fit as I used to be in my 20's, and probably more so, since I exercise more now than I did then, and know I will need to continue to do so in order to maintain my goal weight, which I will reach at some point in 2010.

    You can purchase a digital scale without breaking your budget. Good luck with your fitness goals!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

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