Wheat Free

ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
Helllloooo All

Do any of you have any intersting wheat free roll / bread recipes, or something like that! I suffer from Psoriasis and am cutting wheat out!

The easier they are the better :)


  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Thank you!
  • Claire -

    You need some xanthan gum, rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, arrowroot starch, and few other off the wall things. My son has austism, and after much research on my part we now eat a wheat gluten free diet, as well as a casein free, dye free, preservative free diet. You can of course buy already mixed flours, you'll still probably need xanthan gum and yeast. I won't say that any recipe for bread I have found sounds easy, but then again, I never tried to make bread before this. After reading a regular bread recipe-it sounds like the same amount of work, just with different ingredients. I dont know if we can suggest other sites on here or not..i get recipes from gluten freeda.com and i shop mostly at asian markets, target, and publix. asian markets are my new best friend :) Hope that helps!
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Claire -

    You need some xanthan gum, rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, arrowroot starch, and few other off the wall things. My son has austism, and after much research on my part we now eat a wheat gluten free diet, as well as a casein free, dye free, preservative free diet. You can of course buy already mixed flours, you'll still probably need xanthan gum and yeast. I won't say that any recipe for bread I have found sounds easy, but then again, I never tried to make bread before this. After reading a regular bread recipe-it sounds like the same amount of work, just with different ingredients. I dont know if we can suggest other sites on here or not..i get recipes from gluten freeda.com and i shop mostly at asian markets, target, and publix. asian markets are my new best friend :) Hope that helps!

    Thank you so much I will check the site out :)
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    Forget trying to MAKE wheat free bread, try DS (gluten/wheat fee) Brown Ciabatta Rolls.

    I have an intolerance to wheat which means I can take it in very small amounts as long as it doesn't build up in my body. I have been eating wheat free bread for 13 years now. This is the one that tastes most like bread and not chipboard.

    The first few years I tried making my own wheat free bread - good luck with that! Me, I'd happily pay someone else to make it for me :D

  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Really! Thats good to know maybe just easier to buy it! :) LOL!
  • kakklespakkle
    kakklespakkle Posts: 118 Member
    Haha! That's what I found! There are a few nice ones out there, but a few gritty nasty ones, too! Check out Genius as well - it looks good but unfortunately I can't tell you what it tastes like as it also contains egg, and I'm egg free too (yeah, yeah, I'm a nightmare dinner guest ...)
  • subylove32
    subylove32 Posts: 8 Member
    I found a tortilla recipe that I love! It's slightly altered from the recipe in the book Wheat Belly. This has egg in it, but I will soon be trying to leave the egg out - not sure what that will do to the consistency, but I will let you know!

    1.5 Tablespoon ground flax seed
    1.5 Tablespoon ground almonds
    1 Teaspoon onion powder
    1 Teaspoon paprika
    1 Tablespoon melted coconut oil
    1 Tablespoon water
    1 Egg

    Mix all dry ingredients together, stir in coconut oil, water and egg. I keep adding water until i get a very liquidy batter...seems the more liquidy it is, the more movable the tortilla is.

    The book says to microwave the batter, but I use the stove as if I were making pancakes. Pour onto pan over medium heat. Make sure it spreads evenly. Flip until both sides are cooked. Let cool and enjoy! I make a few at a time and save in the fridge..they keep very well.

    Hope this helps add some variety!