Help me make good food choices on my weekend away

Hi all - we are going away this weekend for 2 nights, we are going to Peppa Pig world. I don't feel like eating in the theme park as I've heard the food is pretty rubbish and choices limited (Think soggy burgers and hot dogs) so we are going to take a picnic - I'm after some healthy choices that I can pick up at the supermarket as we are not going to have anywhere to store/prepare food. Any suggestions?


  • nimbs76
    nimbs76 Posts: 3 Member
    The food there is terrible - if it's wet and you don't fancy a picnic there is a pub on the way in - which I'm sure will have healthier options. Re: for a picnic - I take salads etc for me or basically just a normal lunch (sandwich, fruit, yoghurt)

    Here's a link to their food :