Excercise Tips around the house?

Hi guys! I'm looking for ideas for excercising around the house!
:smile: :smile:


  • srawr
    srawr Posts: 32
    Well for me, my daily home exercise is the following:

    I start off with that video and do it twice over to build up.
    Run around the house 10 times.
    Powerwalk around the house 10 times. (or jog on the spot)
    Use my power plate for 15 minutes.
    Do 100 arm weights in different ways.
    20 crunches
    20 squats
    20 easy lady push ups

  • mazasmusings
    mazasmusings Posts: 74 Member
    Without any equipment at all, there's always the standard stuff, ie. pushups, crunches, etc.
    Housework, cleaning, etc., anything that you're doing for more than 10 minutes and elevates your heart rate significantly will burn calories. I scrubbed our kitchen floor last weekend and it was quite the workout.
    Also, in addition to the gym, my wife and I go for a 2-3 mile walk any night we're not busy. With a good pace, it burns calories and also gives us time to talk that we normally wouldn't necessarily make.
    There's also dancing, if that's your thing. I am married, so it is contractually written that I no longer am required to dance! :-)
    And if you have a partner, intense, vigorous sex can elevate the heart rate and burn some calories.
  • lostwisdom
    lostwisdom Posts: 73 Member
    I get a pretty good workout just doing a bunch of housework! If you have a Wii as well I suggest getting My Fitness Coach - just put in all your details and it will give you a routine based on your fitness goals without the need for any equipment, just a little space!