Please advise how many calories

I am a 44 year old female and am 188lb and 5.3 inches - I have lost 11lb in 3 months and am tearing my hair out -

please someone work out my daily calories for me as mfp says 1350 which is what I was having most of the time - I have recently upped it 2 1600 in the last 2 weeks but it is still slow - I am a big girl and should be losing more I joined a gym 2 weeks ago and go 3 times a week for an hour doing cadio workout - burning about 500 cals - I can not go to mad as had a hysterectomy 6 months ago - HELP -how do i work out daily calories - how many cals is it per pound ?


  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'd say too many carbs
  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    First off, congratulations on your weight loss thus far. Realize that weight loss is an accomplishment, even if it isn't the exact pace we would prefer.

    I'm not an expert on calculating appropriate calorie intake, but I learned myself just yesterday that not eating enough good food or drinking enough water can create sluggish weight loss. So, questions to ask yourself are:

    (1) Do I drink at least eight glasses of water daily? If not, you should do it. It actually helps you not retain water, even though
    you think the opposite would be true.

    (2) Do I consume enough calories to sustain my body? If MFP recommended 1350 calories, that is what you should net. So,
    you should consume some to all of your burn calories. So, if you burn 200 calories one day, you should consume 1550.
    Also, experiment with the numbers, as everyone is different. In February, I needed to net 800 - 850 each day to loose, but I
    later learned that I was hypothyroid. Now, I need to experiment to find a new magic number which will be at least a net of

    Most importantly, don't give up. Sluggish progress is better than no progress at all. If you remain in this slump for another month despite modifications to your diet, then visit a doctor to rule out medical reasons and then a nutritionist for more advice on how to maximize weight loss.

    Good luck, congratulations on your progress thus far, and feel free to friend me if you would like.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    i'd say too many carbs

    Not everyone needs a low carb diet. Yes, it can be beneficial for some, but it's not always the way to go.

    Read this:

    This guy is really smart and he lays everything out for you.
  • gkbanister
    gkbanister Posts: 28 Member
    I am 44 started out at 155, which is the highest ever other than when I had my kids. I used to b very active w/ my other jobs and now I sit at a desk, still do alot after work(as we have a farm). I am eating 1200 cals a day, which at times is hard...I don't exercise much, other than riding my horse, and farm work, when I 1st started this plan, I lost 13#, now I have been stuck, and I believe it is because I am not exercising enough. And also because of our age....I will add u as a friend and hopefully we can help each other....also try doing some weight training, and see how u feel about youir clothes fitting and the way u look inthe mirror...It will all work out!!!
    Good luck!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Calories per pound is 3,500, so if you have a daily deficit of 500 calories, then you should lose about 1 lb a week.

    I am not sure what you are tearing your hair out about. 11 lbs in 3 months is a little under 4 lb per month, or a little under 1 lb a week. This is pretty good, especially since starting an exercise routine can cause temporary weight gain due to water retention for muscle repair.
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    i think it isnt the amount of calories you eat which is the problem it is the type of calories... during weight loss and exercise my fitness instructor said you need to keep calories high, protein moderate and carbs and fat low. which is made up of whole foods you eat rather then empty calories... so eat oatmeal instead of toast, fruit and cheese (low fat cheeses) instead of crackers/biscuits, etc etc.. but most of all try to completely avoid empty calories, they are no benifit to your body and do not help your digestive system or weight loss. He also said the times you eat are most important to replenish your system and to stop your body storing fat, especially on days you exercise. if you can see a trainer at your gym about it they should be able to advise you abit more.. mine where very helpful
  • TraceyAEllis
    Thanks everyone -for your views and advice I have been advised to eat all my exercise cals mostly - but how many cals a day - 1350 as mfp says or more as my calories for maintaining weight is 2660 i think ?
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    to get an accurate rmr it is your weight in lbs times 10 which is the calories you should be eating... so with you being 188 its 1880 to maintain ( with no exercise just sitting down all day) you minus 500 off that to lose weight so your talking 1380... so mfp is correct.. but remember that is if you do nothing all day but sit, eat and rest... your body needs that for general use like breathing. so make sure you eat pretty much all your exercise calories back or your body will go into starvation mode and you wont drop at all and it may even increase from storing fats (it happened to me and i have learnt my lesson )
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Thanks everyone -for your views and advice I have been advised to eat all my exercise cals mostly - but how many cals a day - 1350 as mfp says or more as my calories for maintaining weight is 2660 i think ?

    I assume you selected 2lb per week as a loss? You have 2 options.

    1. Eat what MFP gave you - 1350 PLUS exercise calories.


    2 - you deduct your defict from your 2660 and then you ignore your exercise calories.

    Don't mix both methods.
  • kristineevans
    kristineevans Posts: 56 Member
    to get an accurate rmr it is your weight in lbs times 10 which is the calories you should be eating... so with you being 188 its 1880 to maintain ( with no exercise just sitting down all day)

    Really! that means to maintain my weight I would need 1160 don't think that calculation works ?! I hope not otherwise I've got no hope of loosing!
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    to get an accurate rmr it is your weight in lbs times 10 which is the calories you should be eating... so with you being 188 its 1880 to maintain ( with no exercise just sitting down all day)

    Really! that means to maintain my weight I would need 1160 don't think that calculation works ?! I hope not otherwise I've got no hope of loosing!

    That is wrong - don't panic!
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    i have been told this infortmation from a nutritionist working alongside a personal trainer... but you have to remember its not the amount you eat... it is what you eat that is important. any calculations given are based on estimate, and how quickly you want to lose wight, but also with lifestyle etc etc. see a nutritionist too it will help alot
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    to get an accurate rmr it is your weight in lbs times 10 which is the calories you should be eating... so with you being 188 its 1880 to maintain ( with no exercise just sitting down all day)

    Really! that means to maintain my weight I would need 1160 don't think that calculation works ?! I hope not otherwise I've got no hope of loosing!

    an rmr is what you need for resting literally sitting down and doing nothing not lifting a finger... you look quite fit and active so probably need it higher. everyone is different and all calculations are based on an estimate but it changes depending on what you eat, your daily activities and your exercise.
  • TraceyAEllis
    I walk 2 miles a day 20 mins and have just started going to gym 3 times a week for an hour at a time - 500 cal burn each time - this is the first exercise I have done in years - I work in a office but am on my feet half of the time
  • TraceyAEllis
    light activity says like a nurse for example - i can not compare myself to that i do not think ?
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    to get an accurate rmr it is your weight in lbs times 10 which is the calories you should be eating... so with you being 188 its 1880 to maintain ( with no exercise just sitting down all day) you minus 500 off that to lose weight so your talking 1380... so mfp is correct.. but remember that is if you do nothing all day but sit, eat and rest... your body needs that for general use like breathing. so make sure you eat pretty much all your exercise calories back or your body will go into starvation mode and you wont drop at all and it may even increase from storing fats (it happened to me and i have learnt my lesson )

    This is completely wrong.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Be patient. You are doing great! 11 lbs in 3 months is a fantastic loss. :)
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I used the scooby site and used your stats with light exercise (1-3hrs/wk) and here is what I got for you:

    BMR: 1557

    TDEE:2140 (The amount you eat to maintain your current weight)

    CUT (TDEE-15%): 1819 (This is what you should eat and this includes exercise calories so you don't have to eat them back unless you NET below your BMR (1557)...

    I hope this helps you out some!! Best of luck!! :)

    ETA: Congrats on the 11lbs - That is great for only 3mths!!! :)
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    to keep it simple stick to the calories you have been told to eat by mfp - it has worked on many, just remember to eat back exercise calories on the days you exercise. the only thing i can suggest is high calories, low carb and fats and moderate protein. if you are at a gym and you decide to do certain type of training, speak to a pt to make sure you change your diet according to the workouts you are doing so your body recovers and stays healthy... many forget to and stumble across problems. apart from that i hope you keep moving forward with dropping weight. good luck!
  • TraceyAEllis
    so do i set my cals at 2140 but net make sure the net is 1550 and do i enter exercise i do can you give me an example autumn921
    thanks x