Gaining Weight-So Confused

I am sure there is a logical explanation for this which is why I am asking you fine folks.

So I weighed myself this morning. It was my usual routine the only difference is I happen to have weighed myself an hour before I normally do because I am up earlier than normal.

The scale shows I gained almost 2 pounds so then I got all paranoid and measured myself and I lost inches since my last measurements.

What the heck does this mean? I have ate more calories the last couple of days (also would like to point out that I have been within my calorie intake range I have been under but more calories than I normally injest) BUT I have also worked my buns off working out so these calories don't stay on my hips or conscience.

What's the deal? Is it possible to gain weight but lose inches?

Thanks in advance all.



  • sandyinsc
    sandyinsc Posts: 70 Member
    Absolutely, positively. The measuring tape is a better tool than the scale to measure your success. WAY TO GO!!!!
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    i am also having this problem, since a diet change and muscle building my weight has gone up.. i think its just getting to the point where you are replacing fats with muscle and muscle weighs heavier. and thats got to be the case if you are still losing inches??
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I am sure there is a logical explanation for this which is why I am asking you fine folks.

    So I weighed myself this morning. It was my usual routine the only difference is I happen to have weighed myself an hour before I normally do because I am up earlier than normal.

    The scale shows I gained almost 2 pounds so then I got all paranoid and measured myself and I lost inches since my last measurements.

    What the heck does this mean? I have ate more calories the last couple of days (also would like to point out that I have been within my calorie intake range I have been under but more calories than I normally injest) BUT I have also worked my buns off working out so these calories don't stay on my hips or conscience.

    What's the deal? Is it possible to gain weight but lose inches?

    Thanks in advance all.


    If you have been exercising, your muscles will retain water as they repair.

    Best time to weigh is the day after a rest day.

    Well done on the lost inches, that is far better than a number on a scale. Nobody can see your scale weight, but everyone can see the inches dropping off.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    Also, if the extra food you've been eating is salty in nature, you might just be retaining some extra water! Congrats on losing the inches - that's important, too!
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Thank you everyone for your replies!!! It does make sense :-) I feel better about this now. I have only recently started the strength training. I didn't do as much weight liftting yesterday because I had heard that I need to allow my muscles to repair because when we work out it rips the muscles or something but they repair and become stronger. I had more salt than normal 2 days ago at supper time so maybe that is it as well. Maybe I should not use the scale and stick to the measureing tape ;) Thank you all so much.
  • sophiedalton22
    sophiedalton22 Posts: 45 Member
    if you do want to weight train every day you can.... just alternate what you are doing. legs, back, bum one day and the next arms shoulders arms.. i do this and am absolutely fine, just make sure you change your diet slightly to help your muscles repair quicker. atm i am on a low carb , low fat but high protein and calorie diet.. seems to be working and i am ligting heavier weights every week and seeing results. also make sure you eat carbs and protein and 500mls of water within half hour after training.. helps your muscles heal much faster.