Running Progress Is Frustrating...?



  • andrearaquel48
    andrearaquel48 Posts: 102 Member
    Love that sample schedule that was suggested, including hills, HIIT. etc. I was going to suggest adding sprints to shake things up. I recently started adding them to my routine and it's helped my endurance and speed. You don't have to do anything formal, just go out, warm up at your regular jogging speed for a while (maybe 10 minutes) and then push yourself to the limit for say 30 seconds, then back off to a comfortable pace again (either a jog or walking) for another 30 seconds, then run like you're being chased by a hungry bear for 30 seconds, then back off again. You get the idea. Do this for 20 minutes or so. It's great training for running and it's a great metabolism boost, if you're still trying to lose weight.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    In order to break the funk have you considered varying your runs a little more? and working on multiple improvements?

    On a 5 day per week running schedule....

    Day 1: Hills. Find a hillier route and run 3-4miles. Improves endurance and strength
    Day 2: HIIT. Sprint/Walk intervals to improve speed
    Day 3: 5k tempo run. race pace
    Day 4: Intervals or hills again.
    Day 5: LSR. long slow run. 7+ miles. improve endurance

    A schedule like this might break up the repetitiveness of running 3-4 miles daily. And will work towards improving speed and endurance.

    This schedule doesn't have any easy running in it. You need to have easy days to help the body recover from the hard workouts. Day 2 and Day 4 could be run at easy run pace and alternate Intervals and hills every other week on day one.