Any other slow starters out there?

I am new on MFP and haven't been on here 30 days yet (but it's coming soon!!). I haven't lost any significant amount of weight (about 2 lbs) but my clothes feel looser. I love tracking my calories, good days and bad because it provides so much information and I didn't realize just how badly I was overeating until MFP. LOL, you would think the weight gain would have been a clue on it's own but I seriously didn't realize how much was in what I thought was "healthy" food because I loved eating at deli places.

So my question is: How long did it take for you to get some momentum? Did anybody out there lose slowly at first and then it started to come off faster? I would love to hear some of your stories!


  • layne_martin87
    I'm another slow starter. I have a long way to go and i'm finding that it's really frustrating for me. I have 40 to 60 pounds to loose in two years and i thought that might be a resonable time, but so far I haven't seen any weight loss and on days that i add my exercise i weigh more the next day... so i've decided that no matter how much i exercise i'm not adding it to my total. I', also having trouble adding things i cant find on the food lists... my mom makes burgers that are huge, and how do i add them? you having any problems like this?
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    I've been frustrated about how slow I'm losing.

    I started at just under 300 lbs and at the beginning of this year I stopped eating the following on more or less a daily basis: two 20-oz Cokes, a grilled bacon/egg/cheese sandwich with hash browns, chips and sometimes a muffin and latte (I would think that this alone would lead to a weight loss of 1 lb/week). I've also started eating cleaner and I go to the gym regularly for strength training.

    But I'm losing less than 1 lb/week and my clothes don't feel any different. I keep reading that if you have more than 100 lbs to lose you can lose 2 lbs/week but I don't see how that's possible. This is why I've always given up in the past. I feel like no matter how hard I try it hardly makes any difference. But I'm giving it one more shot and really trying. Hopefully I will figure this out and reach my goal.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    It does seem like I am sensitive to water weight (at least for now). I am pear shaped and very muscular in the hips and thighs so when I work out I do tend to feel swollen and will see it on the scale. I am not going to let that stop me from working out, though!! I just wonder if it takes a while to get some momentum going ? At first, my weight loss was set at 2 lbs per week so I needed to eat 1200 calories and was working out and saw my first two pounds go. Then I changed it to 1 pound per week at about 1450 calories and haven't worked out as much and haven't lost anything.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    I'm another slow starter. I have a long way to go and i'm finding that it's really frustrating for me. I have 40 to 60 pounds to loose in two years and i thought that might be a resonable time, but so far I haven't seen any weight loss and on days that i add my exercise i weigh more the next day... so i've decided that no matter how much i exercise i'm not adding it to my total. I', also having trouble adding things i cant find on the food lists... my mom makes burgers that are huge, and how do i add them? you having any problems like this?

    Anytime I make a homemade meal, it is easier to enter under "my recipes" and add all the ingredients used in, then divide by how many portions there are.
  • Sugarhoneyicedtea
    I love the recipe feature! I've been on MFP for 18 days now, I think. I lost about 4 lbs really quick, but this week, the scale has moved back up 2 lbs. Still eating healthy and stuff, still exercising... Not sure what the deal is. Other than, maybe the 3 weeks straight of exercise (every day) has made me gain muscle. My inches have gone down, that makes me happy. I just wish the scale would, too.
  • aleshai
    aleshai Posts: 55 Member
    I love the recipe feature! I've been on MFP for 18 days now, I think. I lost about 4 lbs really quick, but this week, the scale has moved back up 2 lbs. Still eating healthy and stuff, still exercising... Not sure what the deal is. Other than, maybe the 3 weeks straight of exercise (every day) has made me gain muscle. My inches have gone down, that makes me happy. I just wish the scale would, too.

    I hear ya!! I wish the scale would go down too but I am so determined to not let the frustration get the best of me. That number on the scale isn't the be-all of my health!

    We got this and I know persistence will pay off.
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    Definite slow starter here. I've only lost a few lbs. I know my ticker says 42 however I put in my last weight before I started MFP (which was last Christmas)....When I weighed myself a few weeks later, I put that weight in. NO WAY IN HADES did I lose 40 lbs in a couple of months- but I did lose it over nearly a year and didn't realize it. :drinker: