Worried about My Daughter



  • galededras
    galededras Posts: 45 Member
    It's called an ECA stack, and you rightfully worried.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    She's buying Bronkaid/Primatene which both contain Ephedrine HCL. Yes, combined with caffeine (the asperin is unnecessary honestly) it is an effecive appetite suppresent/stimulent etc that can be used for weight loss.

    Now, anyone who knows me will notice I say to any post on weight loss pills "anything legally sold for weight loss is generally crap", because EC is not legally sold for weight loss. It's generally only available as an asthma treatment and is regulated in purchase as ephedra is a banned substance in the US for weight loss and can be used in the manufacturing of amphetamines/crack (hence the showing and scanning of a state issued ID)

    Honestly there is enough information out there on this that if she did her homework, is dosing it properly and assessed her tolerence she will be fine. It's not ideal and some people are very sensitive to stimulants but as you said she is a grown woman. If she wants to do it she will do it.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Not heard about this but I am in England.

    She shouldn't be taking Asprin based meds with her being Asthmatic. It can bring on wheezing (I'm Asthmatic myself).

    Like you say she's a grown woman but if what she is taking is not safe, and she's aware of this then she will learn the hard way sadly. I hope everything goes ok. I'm pretty sure Ephedrine has been pulled off the UK Market in the 2000s as it caused heart problems! Your daughter should be consulting her doctor before taking anything or adopting a new way of life, to make sure she's ok and not at risk. Get this drug checked out!!!
    Has anyone heard about young women taking some kind of over the counter asthma medication, a caffeine pill and a baby aspirin to lose weight? My daughter was told of this diet and now she is trying it. It doesn't sound healthy to me. The asthma medication has a same ingredient in it that diet pills have in it, Ephedrine. This has me worried. She is 29 years old so she is a grown woman and I can't tell her what to do but I would like some advise as to how to guide her if this is not good for her. Her friend weighted 180 and is now down to 120 in 4 months. Supposedly, you do this regiment for 3 weeks and then take a week off. That's basically all I know about it. I'm sure it is just like the diet pills used to be and nothing but speed. Any thoughts?
  • misticache
    misticache Posts: 364 Member
    Encourage her to ask her doctor about it because chances are she is damaging herself on the inside. I hate medications because whether it's over counter or not it is damaging you more beyond repair. I just told my friend yesterday that it's her body, her choice but I think she's crazy and we were talking about something a dr. had prescribed her and not just taking a bunch of crap on her own.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I did that when I started this journey a year ago. Started on a low dose of ephedrine the first week. When I upped it a bit the 2nd week I started feeling palpitations and like my heart was gonna jump out of my chest and STOPPED it quick and started doing weight loss the old fashioned way. With good exercise and diet I dropped 20 lbs in 4 months (not easy when you don't have much to lose to begin with) and another 10 in another 2 months. And it was the healthy way.
    I read some stories online of people having serious issues as a result of ephedrine and that also convinced me to stop.

    Not sure what advice to give you. Maybe send her a couple of links to bad stories? And if she's not already aware of MFP maybe show her some success stories of people on here who lost weight without pills..
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I hate this stuff but I take it this time of year.

    I don't take aspirin, but I do drink way too much coffee. I was given an inhaler by my doctor when I was a teenager so it's legit, and I do take only 4 a day for breathing issues, but I have been trying to quit completely.

    Unfortunately, when I drop down to 2, the breathing issues come back. It's only during Spring and Summer, but I know it's bad for me and I have abused it in the past to lose weight or work long shifts at much higher doses than is appropriate for asthma.

    Tell her it can ruin your teeth much like meth can (dry mouth!) and she won't be able to keep the weight off once she stops taking it. Also, if you take it for hunger, you develop a tolerance and constantly have to increase the amount in order to control appetite.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    The reality is, you are doing more harm if you lie and say "this WILL kill you" and not "if abused, this CAN harm you". What you need to do is keep yourself, and her as educated as possible.


    She may be like some people here who took a single dose of ephedrine and had heart palpatations and panic attacks and anxiety, or be like me who can dose ephedrine for 5+ weeks and feel little to no stimulant effects, take a dose and take a nap fine like normal within an hour but just not want to eat much. (Granted I've been drinking coffee, tea and even wine since pre-teen age)

    She is still abusing the system by purchasing what is a regulated substance, but this is your 29 year old daughter not a 15 year old you caught smoking pot. Be smart, educated, and reasonable. As another poster says, she really does not need it. A cup of black coffee or strong tea will go a long way towards appetite suppression
  • blueangel20110
    blueangel20110 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you everyone! I knew I should be worried! I will take your advice and print her out the facts. I have also asked her sister to help me talk to her. She doesn't have asthma, she is using this over the counter medication along with caffeine pills and a baby aspirin just for weight loss. She knows I have been trying to lose weight the old fashion way and I am struggling so I don't think I am an inspiration to her (not yet anyway). I told her about MFP and she didn't seen interested. She just wants a quick fix. I told her she would gain it right back but I think it it went in one ear and out the other. Hopefully, I can talk some sense into her with love and compassion before it's too late. Thanks Friends!!
  • I have done this as well. I had to go to the pharmacy and show them my driver's license to purchase the Bronkaid, which I took with No-Doz. Honestly, it made me crash HARD at the end of the day, and I had severe mood swings and lots of other not-so-nice emotional side effects. It didn't physically harm me (at least I don't think it did) but I absolutely wouldn't recommend it or try it again.
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    That's quite dangerous! I'm a nurse and also have asthma; my medication does not have ephedrine in it, but many of the meds used for asthma (such as albuterol) can cause your heart rate to increase; same thing with caffeine. She's at risk for having some cardiac issues if she continues. All you can do is appeal to her sense of wellbeing in that she could cause some major health risks in continuing her current regimen. Plus, weight loss that is dependent on medication does not last; it will come right back as soon as she stops taking the medication. Good luck!!

    ^^ this!

    And OTC asthma meds contain adrenaline. (Like in monster drinks) not ephedrine )
    I have asthma (since birth and my 13 yr old son also was born with it.

    Still can't figure a reason for the asprin though. Unless trying to head off a headache?
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    That's quite dangerous! I'm a nurse and also have asthma; my medication does not have ephedrine in it, but many of the meds used for asthma (such as albuterol) can cause your heart rate to increase; same thing with caffeine. She's at risk for having some cardiac issues if she continues. All you can do is appeal to her sense of wellbeing in that she could cause some major health risks in continuing her current regimen. Plus, weight loss that is dependent on medication does not last; it will come right back as soon as she stops taking the medication. Good luck!!

    ^^ this!

    And OTC asthma meds contain adrenaline. (Like in monster drinks) not ephedrine )
    I have asthma (since birth and my 13 yr old son also was born with it.

    Still can't figure a reason for the asprin though. Unless trying to head off a headache?

    Blood thinner; amplifies effects of stimulants.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    That's quite dangerous! I'm a nurse and also have asthma; my medication does not have ephedrine in it, but many of the meds used for asthma (such as albuterol) can cause your heart rate to increase; same thing with caffeine. She's at risk for having some cardiac issues if she continues. All you can do is appeal to her sense of wellbeing in that she could cause some major health risks in continuing her current regimen. Plus, weight loss that is dependent on medication does not last; it will come right back as soon as she stops taking the medication. Good luck!!

    ^^ this!

    And OTC asthma meds contain adrenaline. (Like in monster drinks) not ephedrine )
    I have asthma (since birth and my 13 yr old son also was born with it.

    Still can't figure a reason for the asprin though. Unless trying to head off a headache?

    Blood thinner; amplifies effects of stimulants.

    I got cute and tried this combo briefly, I figured it could serve a dual purpose. Boy was that a mistake! I felt quite ill and my stomach was not happy. I sure as heck didn't feel like working out.