Too Much Exercise or ok?

I am looking to up my exercie as I have hit a plateau for the last 3 months and would like to add more muscle definition but I want to make sure its not too much, is there such thing? I currently have my calories set at 1350 and am working to also eat back all my exercise calories daily but want to make sure I am not overdiong it. I am thinking of setting a goal to do tough mudder next year.

Cardio kickboxing 45 min 3 x week and a 30 minute walk later in the day to get the dog out
Strength/Bands 45min 3 x week and then a run later in the day for about 45 minutes
Softball about 3 hours a week mixed in

Same as above except softball will be over and roller derby practice starts ( 2 hours 2x week)
Adding in a crossfit class 2-3 times a week on my days off from Derby to build muscle

I started the crossfit class 2 weeks ago in a test phase and am SORE (feels good to know im working more muscles again though)


  • dr3wman
    dr3wman Posts: 205
    By adding muscle definition, do you mean add muscle or get more definition. Adding muscle in general requires being in a caloric surplus..which is going to be very very hard to do with the amount of cardio you will be participating in. However, things like kickboxing and crossfit are good for burning fat, so the muscle you already have will become more visible and defined.
  • merd0210
    merd0210 Posts: 32 Member
    So unless i significantly up my calories I wont gain muscle, just more definition since more fat is burned?
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    For any muscle i doubt bands are any decent...
    barbells and dumbbells
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    I used bands in the beginning at the highest resistance I could take, in a circuit training routine and they worked well for me for a few months. I was surprised because I always used dumbbells.