Sleep walkers

AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
So my son is a sleepwalker. Last night he had an episode. I was in the living room and he came stumbling in. (It’s funny because when he sleep walks, he kind dances in place because he can’t stand there because his legs are tired) And I said “Conner, What do you need babe?”
While rubbing his eyes “nothing”
“Ok, why don’t you go back to bed babe?” Normally this is all it takes for him to go get back in bed.
“Ok…” As he lingered in the hall way.
“What’s wrong buddy?”
“I don’t want to go to bed…”
“LOL, Honey, It’s past midnight. You’ve been sleeping for a few hours now. It’s time to go to bed.”

He stumbles down the hall and comes back about 2 minutes later.
“What’s up Peebs?”
“Why is it so hard?” Still rubbing his eyes and dancing in place.
“What is so hard babe?”
“Why is it so hard to get everyone to go to sleep?”
“Conner, everyone is asleep, they have been for a while now. It’s time to go to bed ok?”
He walks away, and I get up right away to go make sure he made it to bed. By this point I’m thinking SURELY he’s awake. So I walk in. “Peebs, are you ok babe?” –silence- So I crouch down and take his head in my hands and start stroking his face, “Peebs, is everything ok?” **SNORE** He was OUT!!!!

It’s creepy having a kid that sleep walks.

Your stories?

**Peebs is his nickname**


  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    My oldest does this to but hers are not nearly as peaceful. She recently came charging into my room screaming about spiders in her bed. She always looks awake so I run in thouafter them. She's pointing at them and describing them and they aren't there. Then suddenly she's over it and lays back down and is out. She remembers nothing of it the next day. I'm fairly certain hers are night terrors. They're freakin weird!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My brother used to do that. We would camp probably a weekend or two every month and he ALWAYS did it while camping. He would climb off the top bunk and stand with his head hanging down facing the wall or walk to the stairs to my parents bed and back. At home he would walk to the front door and stand there the same way, head hanging down facing a wall.

    My son talks in his sleep but it is SOOOO cute. He is 4 and has the sweetests squeaky voice and laugh.
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    My oldest does this to but hers are not nearly as peaceful. She recently came charging into my room screaming about spiders in her bed. She always looks awake so I run in thouafter them. She's pointing at them and describing them and they aren't there. Then suddenly she's over it and lays back down and is out. She remembers nothing of it the next day. I'm fairly certain hers are night terrors. They're freakin weird!

    I had night terrors as a child. I don't remember exactly what they were, but they were aweful....I out grew them.

    I have them now as an adult...but they are totally different. And thats all I am gonna say about that.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    My oldest does this to but hers are not nearly as peaceful. She recently came charging into my room screaming about spiders in her bed. She always looks awake so I run in thouafter them. She's pointing at them and describing them and they aren't there. Then suddenly she's over it and lays back down and is out. She remembers nothing of it the next day. I'm fairly certain hers are night terrors. They're freakin weird!

    Yikes! I hope his stay mellow!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Had a female college roommate who would sleep walk. And slept naked. She ended up in my bed one night. Except I was so passed out drunk I didn't even realize. We shared a twin bed naked and had no idea until the next morning.

    Ah.. college.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Sometimes my daughter sleeps with her eyes open, it's creepy as *kitten*.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Sometimes my daughter sleeps with her eyes open, it's creepy as *kitten*.

    AH! No! Couldn't deal with that! lol
  • ZombieChaser
    ZombieChaser Posts: 1,555 Member
    My sister is a sleepwalker, and we found out very quickly that we needed to lock the doors after she was put to bed, or she'd walk outside. Not so bad in the summer, but in -25C in the winter, it could get dangerous...
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    My youngest sleep walks as well.
    He will come into the room, ask "to be put in bed."
    Or have a conversation about food.
    Just walk right in say I want tacos, I'll say we ate earlier.
    That is what we had for dinner.
    Then he says OK then get me water. I go get it and he's back in bed sound asleep.
    With no recollection of anything the next day.

    (this started shortly after the separation)
    Thankfully not so much anymore.
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    My oldest does this to but hers are not nearly as peaceful. She recently came charging into my room screaming about spiders in her bed. She always looks awake so I run in thouafter them. She's pointing at them and describing them and they aren't there. Then suddenly she's over it and lays back down and is out. She remembers nothing of it the next day. I'm fairly certain hers are night terrors. They're freakin weird!

    My daughter does this sometimes too. Night terrors run in my husband's side of the family. She mostly wakes up screaming or crying uncontrollably, but as soon as I get to her, she starts falling back asleep and doesn't remember the next morning. Luckily she hasn't ended up outside like my husband did many times when he was little. Or put her hand through a window.
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    My husband sleep walks. Usually its about midnight on a Saturday night when he'll jump out of bed saying hes late for work and start to get dressed. It takes me several minutes of talking to him before he gives me that blank look then lays back down.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    My oldest does this to but hers are not nearly as peaceful. She recently came charging into my room screaming about spiders in her bed. She always looks awake so I run in thouafter them. She's pointing at them and describing them and they aren't there. Then suddenly she's over it and lays back down and is out. She remembers nothing of it the next day. I'm fairly certain hers are night terrors. They're freakin weird!

    I had night terrors as a child. I don't remember exactly what they were, but they were aweful....I out grew them.

    I have them now as an adult...but they are totally different. And thats all I am gonna say about that.

    I wonder if that's what my son has too. Other than sleep talking and laughing, he grinds his teeth so loudly that we can hear it in OUR bedroom. I thought all of this would change after having his tonsils and adenoids out but he doesn't snore or wake up constantly anymore..
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    We had a guy in basic training that would do that. You'd be on fire guard, and he would just sit up and either start talking to you or walking around.....creepy.
  • crazy8ts
    crazy8ts Posts: 360
    I used to sleepwalk as a child... probably trying to get away from my four older brothers... but stopped until I hit 16 and started working on a sailboat... we'd take long trips every fall, and a good night's sleep was a rare... my first trip with the boat, coupled with the stress of being away from home for a long time in a strange environment, had me wandering around below decks... problem was, there was only about three feet of headspace, so you'd have to walk around crouched over to get around. While awake, I would bang my head all the time... never when I was sleep... but because there was a companionway with stairs, I never went up on deck (didn't have stairs in my apartment, so it didn't make any sense to me)... that would have been bad...
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    When I was under a lot of stress, I would grind my teeth and talk in my sleep. I would yell at my husband because the stuff I said never made any sense and he wouldn't understand what I was talking about. But to me it made sense. Then I'd go right back to sleep.

    My son was a terrible tooth grinder when he was younger. Fortunately he outgrew it.
  • hahandel
    hahandel Posts: 134 Member
    A few months ago my 4 year old came into the living room where I was a few hours after he went to bed. I asked him what he needed and he pulled down his pants and underware like he was going to pee. I jump up and ran him to the bathroom. I was laughing so hard that I scared him and he started to cry, poor thing.

    He didn't remember it the next day.

    One of my sisters tried to pee in our kitchen garbage can once while she was still sleeping.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    My biggest fear are children who appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night when the lights are off. Its only because you now if a child appears out of nowhere its Demonic. No JOKE! I will make sure my future kids know to alert me of there presence or else its Throat Punch.
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    A few months ago my 4 year old came into the living room where I was a few hours after he went to bed. I asked him what he needed and he pulled down his pants and underware like he was going to pee. I jump up and ran him to the bathroom. I was laughing so hard that I scared him and he started to cry, poor thing.

    He didn't remember it the next day.

    One of my sisters tried to pee in our kitchen garbage can once while she was still sleeping.

    Ive peed in a laundry basket and a dresser drawer...but in my defense, I was in my early 20's and drunk as hell :blushing:
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    Our son has just started doing this. He will walk around the living room and instead of going back to his room, he makes a v-line to our bedroom. I made the mistake of touching him once and he came un-glued and then 30 seconds later was asleep on our bed.

    He also does not want to sleep in his toddler bed, he has taken up with the stuffed animals on his floor(which I find funny as I did not sleep in my bed for the longest time as a child either). One night he did his usual routine of walking around the living room/kitchen and came to our room. He got into our bed, but never woke up, about every hour he would sit up(still asleep) and roll around our bed(he does this in his stuffed animals to get comfortable). He did this so much at one time he almost bounced off our bed, I caught him by the leg and this of course woke him up and he freaked out.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    My biggest fear are children who appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night when the lights are off. Its only because you now if a child appears out of nowhere its Demonic. No JOKE! I will make sure my future kids know to alert me of there presence or else its Throat Punch.

    My son does this. One night I woke up to him sitting beside me stroking my blanket and telling me he wanted one... it's so creepy.