could someone look at my logs?



  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mine too please! I am desperate for somebody to tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong...

    Make sure you double check your exercise calories (do you wear a HRM?) and if you eat them, use them on something more nutritious than ice cream and toblerone. For 510 calories you could have a baked sweet potato and a chicken breast, with veg, and still have calories left to spare for some dark chocolate or whathaveyou. :)
  • _Sara_A_
    _Sara_A_ Posts: 113 Member
    Have you tried cutting up veggies and putting them in zip bags so that they are handy for snacks? Pick veggies that you like and know you'll eat. If you're like me and hate eating the same thing day after day. Try cutting up carrots for 2-3 days, then the next 2-3 days cut up celery, then broccoli for 2-3 days, then you'll get variety and less sugar from fruit.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    I see it as maybe getting too much sodium and not enough fluids.

    You also mentioned you said you aren't losing at all this week, does this indicate that you are weighing yourself everyday or something?? If so, it isn't going to do much for you because weight loss is a slow process, unless you are seriously overweight and are eating the bare minimum...

    I would also suggest logging on weekends. Just because we usually associate a weekend with a time of relaxing and not worrying about what we eat, this doesn't give people the excuse to just splurge on things they enjoy. It's okay to treat yourself, but I used to only log on weekdays and I was losing a bit too fast because I wasn't eating the amount I should of been on weekends, I was also eating sweets and other treats without seeing the consequences. I started logging on weekends again and it's a lot better and I am getting an accurate reading each week.

    3lb weight gain would be very hard to do on those amount of calories, even if your body held onto those calories, it's not like you can gain weight on eating less, it would just slow down your rate of loss. I am pretty certain it's mainly too much sodium. So try drinking more water or slow down on the processed foods and sauces.

    With meats, even though they are a great protein source and hell even I enjoy ham and bacon, but maybe you could look for Turkey Sausage that has a lot less sodium in it and try and stick to chicken breast instead of deli meats. I'm not saying get rid of it, but just make sure you have either drank enough water or are already within your sodium goal.