Chris Powell's 7 day carb cycling



  • jesse10peru
    Hello everyone,
    i just bought the newest Chris Powell's book....wish me luck! i need to lose 15 lbs.
  • kenev711
    My Husband and I started carb cycling 32 days ago. Today I weighed in 14 pounds lighter than starting weight and my hubby has lost 12. Loving this, craving real food (sweet potatoes was tonights)!! Though it may not be for everyone, I was a huge carb eater, so I needed to eat more protien and a balanced diet.
  • leapsonbounds
    leapsonbounds Posts: 77 Member
    Yes! I have been following his program of carb cycling since the end of July. I read his 2nd book, though, which is Choose More Lose More (or something like that). I'm on the classic cycle, which is MWF low carb, T/Th/S regular carbs with Sunday as a reward day. I can honestly say it's the first program (besides Weight Watchers a LONG time ago) that's worked for me. I follow the program exactly - including the 9 minute exercises in the morning and the 1 hour "shredders" later in the day. For me that's either walking or biking. Feel free to send friend request...I love having people to talk to about this. Best of luck!!
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I started about 2 months ago. Didn't read the book (don't have the money to at the moment), but followed the Turbo Cycle on his website as a guide, as well as, his Smart Foods Guide (and some info from forums, bodybuilding sites, etc). So far I've lost 30lbs on it, but more than that I feel much better. Good luck!
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I know you said I wouldn't lose anymore weight, however I lost 30 pounds in 46 days.. I have since stopped for the moment but I have a workout buddy I will be going with 5 days a week. I workout quite a bit and I have followed it to the letter. I will be back on it on Monday and I plan on losing another 20-40 lbs before I get pregnant and I will be very happy!!

    I would burn anywhere from 1200 to 1500 calories and then I would do strength training 3-4 days a week. I never felt better, and I can't wait to get back to it.

    I recommend it for anyone that wants to get healthy and lose weight the healthy way..
    I've done almost the exact same thing you have, but I haven't cycled carbs. 32 lbs in 49 days.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Well this is starting to sound like a Sales thread....
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    guys, guys! pay me a mere $10 per month (each) and I will send you daily emails that contain links to things freely available on the internet, AND I will remind you to eat less and move more. Oh, and if you sign up for my special people club, I'll *personally* build a workout and diet plan for you. I *promise* they will work better than all other things *and* they won't be just a re-wording (or an exact copy) of similar sensible information available for free all over the place. promise. I also won't market my other sweet fads to you, *nor* will I sell your information to like-minded individuals and companies that also want to sell you the same useless... er, I mean awesome stuff! super-promise.

    Now send me your money.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    I am currently reading Chris Powell's book Choose to Lose. I am strongly considering following his method of the 7 day carb cycle. It sounds like a winner to me! It also promotes natural foods over processed foods and/or foods with artificial sweetners. Has anyone tried this lifestyle change already? Success or not?

    I think I need to try something like this, as I am not moving at all, losing inches, but the scale is static.
  • KittyWeidenbener
    I am on my 2nd of week of his plan. I dropped 5 lbs the first week. Eating every 3 hrs definitely helps keep your energy levels up. I was stuck as well but I think this plan has me going in the right direction again! Give it a try! I love it.
  • loveswalking
    loveswalking Posts: 354 Member
    Can anyone who as read the book tell me how many carbs it says to eat on low carb days. And how many on high carb days. I know it says 1200 cals one day and the next 1500 etc. and one day 2400.
    Thanks for your hep
  • dyrobins
    This is off his facebook page with the same question.
    Chris Powell · 296,414 like this
    June 11 at 9:02pm ·
    Q: How many carbs in total can I have on a low carb day and a high carb day?

    A: It's time to change your thinking! Focus on the MEAL not the DAY.

    Each Low Carb Meal is made up of 1 serving of protein (size of your palm), 1 serving of a fat (size of your thumb) and at least 1 serving of veggies (two fists full).

    Each High Carb Meal is made up of 1 serving of protein (size of palm), 1 serving of carbs (size of your fist) and at least 1 serving of veggies (two fists full). (No fats on a HC day!)

    Focus on meeting the correct portions/combos for each meal. You can't save up and eat 5 servings of carbs at dinner . The idea is to eat consistently throughout the day, as close to every 3 hours as possible for 5 meals. As you lose weight, your hands/palms naturally get thinner, and so should your portions. A free printable food list of High Carb and Low Carb acceptable foods is available on when you join my mailing list.
  • Welcome2theHellmouth
    I just finished his book! And have started the classic carb cycling. So far so good. I have always been a 3 big meals a day person so learning to eat 5 smaller has been challenging. But there is something satisfying about eating every 3 hours! Still trying to get it all down and get in a routine. I just love Chris Powell though!
  • penchantforproduce
    Check the library for his book if you don't want to invest in buying it. My library system has several copies. Also, you can typically put books on hold and have them delivered to your local branch from another branch in the system.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I love Chris Powell and read the book (from the library) but it was too complex to be workable for me, and I agree with those that said it might be useful if you're bodybuilding but for general weight loss it's overkill.

    Chris has a degree in Exercise Physiology so I know he knows better, but the many claims in the book about certain meals 'firing up your metabolism' turned me off. It's been a while, I'm not sure if it was exactly that myth that he mentions over and over, but it was one of them.

    I got the impression ABC and/or his agent wanted him to strike while the iron was hot and get a book out and he needed a new angle so went with this topic, knowing it's kind of overkill for 99% of us. He and his wife also put their name on a multilevel marketing food supplement, which turns me off.
  • 1FitBabe
    1FitBabe Posts: 111 Member
    I am giving this a try also. Just started yesterday.
  • Welcome2theHellmouth
    Have been doing this for 8 weeks and down 9 lbs which is amazing for me. (was at a standstill for a long time and I always lose very slow) I need some new protein ideas. Tuna, protein shakes, eggs and cottage cheese have gotten old. Guess I need to spend more time making up meals on the weekends for the weekdays
  • ktjo1985
    ktjo1985 Posts: 37 Member
    I've been doing it for a week now, and am feeling pretty good. I actually read his 2nd book, which I'm guessing is a more thoroughly explained version of his first book. Anyway, it's going well and I'm feeling pretty good. Actual results won't be known until my weigh day tomorrow. I decided to use the Classic Cycle since I'm not exactly new to dieting. I had just hit a plateau and needed to mix things up.The low carb days can take some getting used to as you might feel low on energy and possibly a little cranky. It'll pass. Any of y'all feel free to add me since we're on the same plan.
  • TPipes12
    TPipes12 Posts: 1
    I just started this program on Monday, so only day 3 but I am feeling pretty good so far. I am doing the typical MWF low carb days, and I made Saturday my cheat day. (Only day hubby and I both have off work together). I am a weigh yourself every morning person but I am making it until Saturday to weigh in so I have no results yet. I was losing inches and pounds before just eating healthy and 5 small meals a day but I had just started to train for a half marathon. Now, my body is used to me running 3-5 miles 4 days a week and I'm not burning as much so I am looking into something different, that's when I found the 7 day carb cycle. So, here goes! Would love to hear more updates from people! :)
  • skb135
    skb135 Posts: 11
    hi, are you still on this diet? is it still working?
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I know this is an old post but is anyone still doing this? I am just starting my second week, and I have some questions about exercise with the plan. I want to start Insanity again, but worry if I burn too many calories doing that, I won't have the sufficient calories to lose weight.
