Breaking Point

What was everyones Breaking Point when you realised that you needed to change your life. What was happening when you told yourself youve had enough???


  • shrednyc85
    shrednyc85 Posts: 46 Member
    The approach of the summer did it for me. Had a baby 3 years ago and completely let myself go. Ate unhealthfully 80% of the time and did zero exercise. I would try to be better and failed each time saying "Ill start next week/next month/Monday". Some of those failures were beyond my control, but most were completely my fault, and with this summer approaching I just got fed up with myself. So, I bought the 30 day shred knowing there could not be any excuse for not finding 20 minutes a day, and set my alarm for the next morning. That was about 6 weeks ago and I only wonder why I waited so long to do this!

    It just takes mindset.
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    Stepping on the scale and then shortly after going to Aruba, coming back and realizing how much of a fat *kitten* I was....yeah I got my sh#t together real quick lol
  • bakercj13
    bakercj13 Posts: 26 Member
    It was multiple things hitting at once for me. I had a physical last year, first time in ages and the doctor sai that while overall the numbers were not bad, I was borderline for diabetes, hypertension and one other thing I can't remember. She said I was fat and needed to lose weight but didn't have the be in the government scale of healthy to be healthy.

    After that, I realized (yes as a man) that I have a bucnh of clothes that for most part I was one pound or two too much to wear them without it being uncomfortable or looking like I just wedged myself into my clothes. Also I after the doctors visit, I realized I was wearing pretty mich the same clothes over and over again. I started thinking that others were thinking I was poor or something (joking)....

    So that's when I decided to get serious. The last month and half was a bit of a set back, but I am back on the horse now and looking forward to hitting my goal by October.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    My nephew came to visit, wanted to play tag, and I couldn't...2 minutes in and I could hardly breath.... I'm not even really over weight, but so out of shape, it's unbelievable. Now, 30 days in, I feel better than ever!
  • sofakingawesome69
    Finally seeing pictures of this really fat unhealthy guy got me. Especially when I saw it was me.
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Just tired of hating everything when I looked in the mirror. Now I find something new I love every single day, I love it.
  • chelleRmcgrath
    Divorce and the thought of having to date again.
  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Went on a family trip (the first in a long time) to a town built into the side of a moutain (Jerome, AZ), inclines and stairs all over the place. I was exhausted. I couldn't keep up, my face was red and I was just so dissapointed in myself!!! NEVER again!
  • AmberBucsis
    loving eveyones answers!! I had a major breaking point a few months ago. It was mine and my hubbys bday party and there was a picture taken of all of us and i was leaning on the couch and i looked massive. I felt horrible discusting and ugly.
  • odditblue
    odditblue Posts: 34 Member
    My last driver's license pic was so horrible... it began the whole decision to change. Then I went to a concert and saw a man my same age (favorite musician) who could sing while dancing and running around the stage... so why couldn't I do that? Why was I old and fat sitting in a chair and he was still fit and running like a kid? Something hit home then... I took a good hard look at myself. Did I want to sit down in a recliner and slowly become disabled because of what I wasn't doing? Too old and fat to do anything? Or did I want to change and still live life to the very end, up and doing what I want to do, going where I want to go, enjoying things I never thought I would? Yeah. I got up and started this whole thing. I've a long ways to go, but it's better than sitting by sitting in the audience of my own life instead of being on the stage really living it. I refuse to be passive and just accept that I cannot change. Life is too short to sit by. =)
  • harley0269
    harley0269 Posts: 384 Member
    my health was in a downward spiral. my doctor gave me this website, a nutrtionist & 3 months to start losing the weight on my own. or face another sugery :(
    proud to say im doing it! no surgery needed, & ive already reversed all my serious medical health conditions! :)
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    10 years ago i had a beautiful baby boy :o) Three days after that his dad left --- then suddenly last fall a guy walked by me at work and I felt that little skip! you know the one ..... hadn't felt that in a long time and discovered I missed that feeling. Then i took a long hard look at myself and i realized i missed a lot of things over the last 10 years ............ i don't want to miss anymore!
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Not long after I turned 39 I realized that I had put 20 of the 30 pounds I had previously lost back on...and was going to be 40 years old in less than a year.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    What was everyones Breaking Point when you realised that you needed to change your life. What was happening when you told yourself youve had enough???

    I couldn't affor to replace all of my work suits and many pairs of pants had gotten shoved to the back and I was wearing skirts half zipped and leaving my shirt out to cover it. Those were sad days for me.
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    Divorce and the thought of having to date again.

    This was pretty much it for me too. For so long, I have hid behind all my fat and used it as an excuse not to go out and enjoy life. I wanted to change that. And I am. The fat is still there (although a little less, and not for much longer), but I'm not letting it hold me back any longer.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    The Doctor told me Craig you have three choice:

    1. Take the pills
    2. See the Therapist
    3. Stay depressed

    I chose two as the option that sucked the least. The depression was the final road block to progress.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I went through a series of three injuries in the span of about 2.5 years, was newly 21 and partying a lot and dating a guy who had TERRIBLE eating habits which I of course picked up and it all just added up so fast that before I knew it I had gained 35 lbs. I was out with friends and was tagged in pictures the next day which was the point reality slapped me in the face and I realized just how fat I had gotten. I made up my mind, in the middle of the week, that it was time to change. Not next week. Not next month. Now. So I found MFP on May 17, 2011, a Tuesday, and started my journey.
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    First step was not fitting in the desks in college, had to get there early to pic a larger desk....
    The final kicker was my ex-fiance ending things and I didn't want to die alone :) (I often use the worst case scenario to motivate myself lol)
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    I had been doing strength training for several years and thought my once extremely weak ankle was invincible. I was in Florida with a friend and turned it to the point that I thought it may be broken while sitting down into a lounge chair. I realized that they may be stronger, but I still needed to lose the weight.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Saw a picture of myself in a bathing suit from 2 years ago and realized that I was turning 35 soon (as of June 18 this year). And I'd always heard that once you turn 35, it just gets harder and harder to control your weight and get into shape. I didn't want my kids or my husband to have an overweight mother/wife. And I wanted to be a healthy role model for my kids.