How to diet on a budget



  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    I'm in the same boat and here's how I do it:

    NO MEAT. Meat of any kind is too expensive. I'm not a vegetarian - I eat meat sometimes, but usually when I go out, which is seldom.

    Beans and rice. If you eat those you don't need meat and they are cheap.

    And by beans, I actually mean legumes - split peas, lentils, all kinds of things like that are affordable and lentils are awesome because you don't have to soak them. (They are also very high in fiber and fiber will help you lose weight big time.)

    If I want something kind of like meat, I'll buy Boca patties. Still high-ish, but cheaper than meat.

    Vegetables when you can, but look for sales. I love red bell peppers for instance, but I only buy them when they're getting to the end of their shelf life and go on sale.

    If you buy produce, cook it, don't waste it. If you have to, cook soup or something and put it in the freezer. Get some plastic containers for that purpose. Also for taking food to work for lunch.

    I make a lot of veggie soups. They're healthy and a good way to clean out the fridge and not have to throw things away.

    Lots of spices to keep things interesting. If you have access to an Indian grocery store you can get spices very cheaply. There is a HUGE markup on spices in regular grocery stores. I also buy pepper corns and grind them in a coffee grinder.

    I also have a relatively hot palate and need a lot of chili peppers to keep me happy. Jalapenos are cheap in Texas, luckily. I have some dried Thai chiles and cayenne pepper powder in the cabinet for when I can't afford fresh peppers.

    he has a lot of great ideas! everyone really does. we also live on a budget. we're a family of 4 on a single income. we eat leftovers often, i make vegetarian meals sometimes, and i try to shop mainly fresh. i make everything pretty much (if we want cookies, muffins or snack foods... i make it instead of buying) it saves us a little money and i feel good doing it. :)
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    The common theme seems to be: buy fresh foods and cook it yourself.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member

    Never knew oats were so expensive in the US.

    In the Netherlands they are - when you don't buy them in bulk - 38 eurocents for 500 gram.
    So that's 3,80 euros or 4,60 dollars for 5 kg.

    It's a basic food that doesn't require much work and it grows everywhere. Why is it so expensive in the US?
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    The common theme seems to be: buy fresh foods and cook it yourself.

    Yes, that's why I was glad my mom taught me how to cook before I went to University.
    I was the only student that didn't have to order food or get tv dinners and end up flat broke.

    Food is cheaper when the farm or factory hasn't had to pay people to cook it for you, so you can save by doing it yourself.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Become a secret shopper for your grocery. My company handles several grocery accounts: Fresh & Easy (CA/AZ), Giant Eagle, Giant, Lowes (mostly TX), Ingles (SE states).

    You earn a fee and/or some groceries in return for a report about your visit.