I am sooo ashamed!



  • smilesalot1969
    i wouldn't worry too much honestly just start again tomorrow and forget about it. You only have a problem if you dont let it go and just say oh well i screwed up i may as well give up.
    If it helps when i was at the gym my trainer gave me a diet where you were strict all week and then had a day off and ate what you wanted as long as you didnt go too insane. This actually worked for me and a lot of others because it confuses your body and doesnt let it get into that low calorie starvation mode rut. Yes you might gain a pound or so following your day off but you would ultimately lose more on the strict days. Seriously dont worry, and dont give up!!
  • kimnaaron4ever
    Thanks so much everyone! It is so nice to belong to a site like this where not only can we get great advice and tools on how to lose weight, but we have people there for emotional support and motivation as well! It really means so much to me!
  • kimnaaron4ever
    I totally empathize with your struggle, and find comfort in knowing that lots and lots of people have been there. Like others have said, there is always a reason that we do this - but sometimes those reasons are subconscious or so engrained that it's only through a huge amount of thinking and self-work that we can come to understand them.

    I highly recommend the book "The Life You Want: Transforming Your Relationship with Food, Exercise and Yourself" by Bob Greene. It's got some tough truths but really pulls off the veil and confusion around binge & emotional eating, and the psychological reasons why it's so common to continue to struggle with weight or fail to keep it off. It made me cry - a LOT - but helped me realize some things about myself. It's one of the books that will sit on my shelf forever.

    I'm going to try and find this book and soon! Thank you so much for the recommendation!
  • kimnaaron4ever

    Confession is good for the soul. Bingeing (sp?) is complicated and you may never know exactly what triggered it. We could analyze it til we're blue in the face. The fact is it happened. You weren't happy with yourself. At some level, it was about control but that's really moot. All of us who use this App might be just a little OCD anyway. Don't beat yourself up. Every day is a new beginning. Also, consider that your body may be craving a specific mineral such as magnesium. Very common in women.

    You know I was told a few weeks ago when I posted about another problem (physically) that I was having someone mentioned I may need more magnesium in my diet! So, now I've been told twice that a lack of magnesium may be a problem. Think I may go pick up some vitamins tomorrow!
  • debbiestine
    debbiestine Posts: 265 Member
    Are you eating enough calories? Are you getting enough grams of protein? make sure you are eating clean foods to fill you up.
    I have a sweet toooth, so once in awhile I will make something sweet-experimenting with healthier options (coconut oil, agave syrup, etc) and allow myself one or two a day. Tomorrow is my husband's bday and I know I will have a slice of (not healthy) icecream cake. I'll log my food the day before to ensure it's included. And of course we'll be going out to dinner-so I'll look up the nutritional values and allow myself one piece of bread!
  • monicalord
    monicalord Posts: 26 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, waiting for everyone to go to bed and eating in secret. I believe it is an addiction to self sabotage, I feel angry or disappointed for this or that reason, and take it out on my body.

    Creating regular habits to put in place of bad ones are a good start. Also, focus on progress! One foot in front of the other until you reach your goals. Don't be ashamed, we're here to support each other through this, you can do it! :))
  • bryarlove86
    I'm so glad I read this because I thought I was the only one that did this - I have moved to England which has made it worse. I can go well on a diet for about a week before I just have one taste of peanut butter... or one slice of cheese... then I can easily wolf down anything and everything in the kitchen. It's disgusting but it's like I can't control myself. I'm glad I'm not alone, I thought I was a total freak.
    I have noticed that whenever I feel stressed, homesick, down, unattractive, BORED, ... that's the times that it happens. The human mind is a curious thing.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I understand. This is a problem for me too. Trying so hard to get a handle on it and I've done a little bit better recently. But I definitely still have my moments.
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    must be something with the phase of the moon. I have been doing the same thing eating everything in sight the past few days. My day starts great, but by the afternoon and evening it is a free for all.

    Keep logging and try to resist. It is hard. i feel you!
  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    It sound slike you are getting some good advice, but i wanted to mention that I personally ate quite a bit extra today, and figure I'll get over it: could be hormones, attitudes, waning moon, or the weather or whatever, but I think it's good to see if there are reasons, and whether there are or not, be good to yourself and just move on from it--
  • suzieqcookie
    suzieqcookie Posts: 314 Member
    Gather sh!tty foods >> place in trash >> take out trash

    easy to say when you don't have kids.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    I just posted on another thread about my day and night last night and then I read this! I used to binge with regularity, on top of over-eating consistently. I also used to sneak food. For the most part I'm over the sneaking - I do live alone, but I try to eat the really bad stuff with company if at all possible. It helps keep me in check I guess. As to the binging, that comes and goes. its less frequent than it used to be, but the compulsion that drives me into the kitchen seems to hit with a much greater force when it comes. Yesterday it started after lunch and said in my other post it was like there was a beast inside my head clawing at my brain.

    I've learned a lot of tricks over the years, coping mechanisms I guess you could call them. Ways to divert that monster in my head, distract it. Some days that doesn't work though and I gave in last night. Luckily I didn't have much in the house! LOL!
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    More of the same, as far as advice...
    OK, so you had a setback - learn from it, and then move-on.
    Guilt doesn't do you any good.

    It WILL be OK!
  • lyndabw
    lyndabw Posts: 24 Member
    oh no nothing to be ashamed about, what you are ashamed to be HUMAN! remember this in the game of weight control each day is day one.
    You will get what you want soon enough. it took along time to gain this weight you want to loose, and you want it to stay off, I say yeah for you I see a winner in you.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh: :laugh:
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Log the calories BEFORE you eat the food. Look at that number and see if it's helping you with your goals. Continue as necessary.
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    First of all, do NOT feel ashamed. That may only lead to more binges. As I am sure you have already read, there are many of us here that also have eating disorders or unhealthy relationships with food. Mine started when I was 11 or 12 years old and now close to 50, I still struggle with some of the same thoughts and feelings about food as I did as a child. Journaling can be a great tool in keeping track with emotions and eating patterns. Try not to dwell on your setbacks. Instead just keep focusing on getting healthy and developing better habits. Perseverance is key. :flowerforyou:
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Gather sh!tty foods >> place in trash >> take out trash

    easy to say when you don't have kids.

    That's just a convenient excuse. Kids don't buy ice cream and soda at the grocery store, parents do. I don't have kids but if I did I don't think I would buy them anything I didn't feel comfortable eating myself.
  • rawfull
    rawfull Posts: 178
    I have learned to 'study' my binges......there is ALWAYS a reason why we do it!! I've noticed that I binge after I talk to my mom (everytime!!!!) ......when I don't 'get that call or text from that special someone' like I want!! ......when i bowl bad .......when I screw up on my diet (thx to that All or Nothing attitude! NOT!!!) .......when I'm stressed from work ........when I'm bored ........when I wanna bake or cook something new .....and the list goes on and on......

    I'm wondering if possibly, deep down, you may be feeling irritated that your family can eat all they want of whatever they want and you are limited and you may be thinking, "I'll show you!! -- There is no way I'm gonna be limited on my food!! I'm a grown woman!!" --I just know I've felt like that MANY times before!!!

    Hang in there....your not alone!! I 'went crazy' yesterday too....but I restarted again today.....we have to try to learn from our binges and soon they will be farther and farther apart!! :))

    Very good points...