I'm at where most people's goals are, and still not happy.

At 135, 5'4, and a 23 year old female, I recently found out my body fat is at 23.3% and was devastated. I'm generally not unhappy with how I look, but ever since finding out that number, I'm disgusted by myself in the mirror. I haven't wanted to eat, and all I can do is just grab at the random loose spots of flab on my body, grossed out by what's hiding under.

What makes me feel worse is that there's a large number of people that are working hard to get where I am. I can easily maintain where I'm at, including drinking, eating most anything I wish, with a moderate amount of exercise.

Really this just means I need to stop living as freely and get my *kitten* back on track with strenuous exercise and maintaining my diet again.

But even then, at what point will I look in the mirror and be happy?


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Really/ Have you researched what women's body fat should be at? The stats you've given do seem to indicate you have no immediate health issues.

    So what are your goals? And why?
  • kaleas
    kaleas Posts: 200
    I know that at 23.3% I'm right at being "fit" and "average". A lot of what I've wanted to reach for goals have been more appearance based than "fitness" based. I can already run a 7-8 minute consistent mile, and will happily do 4 to 5. I bike 12 miles round trip to work. I eat well and understand nutrition.

    However, the desire to look in the mirror and see a bit of hip bone, no cottage cheese thighs, and the lack of bat wings is enough to leave me disappointed with where I'm at, despite the lifestyle I lead.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    I know that at 23.3% I'm right at being "fit" and "average". A lot of what I've wanted to reach for goals have been more appearance based than "fitness" based. I can already run a 7-8 minute consistent mile, and will happily do 4 to 5. I bike 12 miles round trip to work. I eat well and understand nutrition.

    However, the desire to look in the mirror and see a bit of hip bone, no cottage cheese thighs, and the lack of bat wings is enough to leave me disappointed with where I'm at, despite the lifestyle I lead.

    WOW... I have friends who weigh 120 lbs and who are tall and guess what...they have cellulite. The most effective way to treat cellulite is the right diet. The main hormone behind cellulite formation is insulin. It is the hormone which actually stores fat into your body and even stops your body from burning it. The good news are that you can control your insulin level. This is done by keeping an eye on what you eat. Insulin is secreted when you eat sugar or carbohydrates (which are broken down to sugar in your body), so you need to become carbohydrate conscious. It might feel difficult in the beginning, but you will notice that it is actually easy and inexpensive, and on top of that you will notice that a diet low on carbohydrates is really how to lose weight fast naturally. When you eat less carbohydrates, you will need to get your energy elsewhere, and that means eating more natural fats. Your body will start using fats as fuel, and that means both the fats you consume and the accumulated body fat! On top of that the natural fats and antioxidants which are important foods in the carbohydrate conscious diet, are also good for your skin. Eggs, organic meats, green vegetables, berries, dark chocolate and tomatoes.. You will lose the extra fat and feel a difference on your skin and your hair. You can speed up the process further by dry brushing your body every morning for a couple of minutes before showering.
  • I am at where you are at, and it is not enough! I already knew from the beginning of my weightloss journey that half-assing it was not gonna cut it for me. I am 5'3'' and 133 lbs. I used to weigh 155. My goal weight is 110. According to our BMI's we are in the healthy range but we're are on the verge of still being overweight for our category. Its easy to slip and fall and find ourselves on the other side. So, I say....aim lower! You can do it! You got to really want it to achieve it.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I have to quote one of my favourite sayings:

    Dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    Are you looking good right now? Is it worth the effort to achieve some sort of ideallistic but self-imposed perfection?

    Who's ideals or goals are you aiming for?
  • girl6_nyc
    girl6_nyc Posts: 37
    Have you tried strength training?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Have you tried strength training?

    ^^^This exactly! Try a serious strength training program. How is your diet?...are you getting enough protein? Are you consuming enough calories to support your workouts?

    And last but not least......you need to work on loving yourself. You are blessed with good health. There are many people who have to overcome physical and health challenges but are out there doing the best they can. Cancer patients, wounded soldiers, people born with disabilities. Shame on you for crying over a little bit of cellulite.
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I recently found out my body fat is at 23.3% and was devastated. I'm generally not unhappy with how I look, but ever since finding out that number, I'm disgusted by myself in the mirror.

    This tells me it's more mental that physical. I agree with strength training but I thinking your underlying problem is not what you look like but what you think you look like.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I think it's okay to want to keep going when you look "good" but not "just right" for you. Just make sure your reasons are good and that you're not hurting yourself. Don't let your fat % dip too low, don't eat too little, and don't overexercise. Be healthy, and let that be your guide for everything.

    If you're not satisfied, you don't HAVE to be. Keep going. Just don't hurt yourself for it. If you find yourself convinced you are huge and fat and gross when the numbers tell you something else, you might want to talk to a professional, though. Even if the numbers aren't the healthiest, feeling gross all the time is a bad thing. Feel good about yourself! You are beautiful, bat wings or no.