I want to start running but I need tips...



  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    I started running when I was at 265, so you can definitely do it! (I'm 240 now)

    What kept me motivated and keeps me motivated to this day are signing up for 5K races. I suggest finding one in your area that is about 16 weeks from now or so. Check out my pictures, I have several posted from various races I've done. It is an AMAZING feeling being surrounded by so many people doing exactly what you are doing and loving it. If you can find one where everyone gets a medal, those are the best :) I have a nice collection now of medals and looking at them makes me feel great.

    Being that you are just starting, I would hold off on investing $100+ on specially fitted shoes. What you are going to be doing a LOT of in the next couple of months is walking with intervals of jogging thrown in. These can be accomplished with a pair of standard running shoes at your local sports store. I use Pumagility for my training and I've not had a problem. However, if money is not an object for you, then by all means, go to a specialty shop and invest in a pair.

    Last bit of advise: Most of my trouble comes from my head when I'm on a run. The first 5 minutes KILL me and my brain will start to come up with excuses as to why I have to stop running. You will need to work on that each time you are out there. 80% of my effort is put into shutting off that part of my brain that says I can't do it. It's a constant battle but when I overcome it, I feel great! In the past year I've built up my endurance to being able to run an entire 5K. When I started, I barley made it to 30 seconds before I had to stop. Stick with it and you will find yourself in that Runner's High in no time!

    "Whether it is a 7 minute mile or a 14 minute mile, it is still a mile!" :bigsmile: