P90X baby!

YES! I made my goal! I lsot 10lbs, 2" off each my waist and hips, AND improved my 5K time by 2min. I'm so excited! My goal was to be super hott in my wedding dress (married last month) and I succeeded! I didn't want to look back on pictures and be disappointed I didn't workout harder. I mean, I already feel that way about a lot of pics in my life. I don't need to feel that way on my wedding day! Anyways, I'm super excited. I did a p90x/Insanity mix, now I'm doing TurboFire. I can't wait to see what the next 90 days brings! Has anyone else tried a Team Beach Body workout? Here are my before/after pics: http://beachbodycoach.com/esuite/home/CAITLINSNYDER
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