SELF CONTROL-why is it so hard?



  • confusedtracey
    confusedtracey Posts: 19 Member
    I find it is easier to keep the chocolate in the fridge

    1 It is harder so sucking it takes longer, there for you eat less cos your head gets over the NEED for chocolate.

    2 If it not in the house i crave it more.

    3 feed the crave while it's small cos if you ignore it, it gets bigger !

    This is how i cope,plus there are some people that will eat it more in front of you when they know your on a diet !!! So if you have smaller amounts you won't fell left out or feel sorry for yourself !!! lol

    good luck everyone and YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH xxxx
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    I find it is easier to keep the chocolate in the fridge
    I find it easier to not buy the chocolate because seriously, are we going to ever throw it out? No, It's getting eaten even if you try to drag it out over days. If you buy 500 calories, you just added 500 calories to your diet cause there's no way in God's green earth I'm throwing away chocolate.
  • bayBSteps
    bayBSteps Posts: 5
    For me it's so much easier to say no to eating it than to take one or two bites. I can't take a bite if there is pot full there. It is easy to just not have it around, but I live in a house where the people in it are not on the same page as me, and so it is everywhere. I just have to tell myself which is more important to me, and keep reminding myself. As a side note... chocolate isn't my food, CHEESE is. So I go to the supermarket on Saturday morning when they have a cheese of the week to sample and i take a piece (or two. or three) and walk it off. That way I can have a taste, and the cheese isn't sitting at my house tempting me every second.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Self control is difficult because we are biologically programmed to survive and even if the body is getting plenty of 'food' we will still consume too much if we are nutritionally starving.

    Biology will win against willpower over time.

    People who fight against the body (excessive restriction of calories or chronic exercise) are doomed to failure in the long term. You can win by short-cutting the system.

    If you eat a lot of calorie-rich nutritionally-poor food you will crave stuff, the body wants it's fair share of nutrients.

    And if that means putting some of the excess into fat then so be it.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    If you have to have it work it into your calories for the day.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    wonderful stories and advice so far!!

    i am not sure what ketosis to explain?

    its a low carb, high fat diet. most people get in ketosis by eating about 20 grams of carbs from veggies.

    this explains it better than me
  • mcherri
    mcherri Posts: 22 Member
    you know, im a recovering opiate(oxycontin, heroin, etc..) addict, been clean for over 2 years, and i have always been at a great weight up until 2 years ago when i cleaned up... anyways, i can honestly say that the obsession overeaters have on food, like i sometimes have, is sooo similar to feelings of wanting to use.
    when i was on drugs, it was like, if a certain drug happened to cross my mind, i couldnt get it out of my mind until i went out and used it.... now ive found that if a certain food i love, like icecream for instance, pops into mind, i really just go nuts mentally until i eat some. and that obssessive feeling of wanting icecream is almost literally the same feeling as wanting drugs when i was using. its truly uncanny... and up until now, i never really understood or had any compassion for people who just couldnt put down the fatty foods to save their own hearts, but now it is completely understandable.. the relationship some of us have with food, is truly nothing less than addiction! and in the beginning, i was so shocked with my own food cravings, i assumed it was just because im an addict and that;s just my nature to be like this, but through mfp, and just talking to people, ive found that its not just recovering addicts who feel this way about food! ironically enough, ive become thankful for my past with drug addiction, because now im approaching my weight loss and my relationship with food with the same outlook and tools i use/d to kick my drug addiction. along with mfp (counting calories and working out), ive applied some of my recovery techniques when it comes to those overwhelmingly intense food cravings because, lets be honest, sometimes our own willpower alone is just not enough!