Just joined, and a little frightened.



  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Donna,

    47 here and have been on MFP since end of October 2011. So far I've lost 40 lbs. I had a couple of setbacks, injury wise, and did gain a couple of pounds back that had to be re-lost, but I love MFP. I don't blog and don't usually have much time to come on the message boards, but what I love about MFP is, well, everything. LOL I love the food diary and that it essentially does all the work for you. I especially love that I can put in my own recipes and it will let me know how many calories a serving is. Same with the exercise log. I like that I can put in what my activity level is, my goal, my weight, etc. and it figures out how many calories I have for the day before exercise to lose in a steady and safe manner. I have mine set for 1 lb a week and my first goal is 60 lbs. After that I will set another goal, probably for another 60, but if I decide I want to stop at 40 or 50 it will still get me to a decent weight. My highest weight, and my starting weight was 260 and I am absolutely LOVING seeing the numbers go down on the scale. Used to dread getting on the scale, especially at the doctor, but not so much anymore. It's nowhere near where it needs to be, but the simple fact the numbers are going down makes me so HAPPY! My doctor had actually recommended MFP to me after I had my 1st appointment with the cardiologist (weight related high BP), but I told her I was already using it! :D

    Feel free to friend me :D
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Hi Donna. Congratulations on breaking your goal up into smaller sections that are attainable. That's smart and keeps you from being overwhelmed.

    There are lots of nice folks here and most of them (there are exceptions) are willing, even happy, to support you and offer help if you need it. But since you have a lot of nutrition knowledge and perhaps know more than the average person on here, may I suggest you consider going on a low glycemic diet and reading a book called "The Smarter Science of Slim"?

    While you'll certainly lose weight on a low calorie diet, it won't stay off and it's not really healthy. Having studied science, I suspect you know that and perhaps that's why you're scared. You want a permanent weight loss.

    I'm sure you'll get to your goal and welcome to the site.
  • queenie09
    queenie09 Posts: 25
    Hi Donna, I'm Pauline. I joined a while ago now. I lost 60lbs...
    Got sick for a while and quit everything. Diet exercise etc.
    I.came back on after 5 months and have relost almost all 20lb I
    Regained... It works, it's addictive, I LOVE IT. :)

    You will do great. :) Pauline
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Donna, and welcome to MFP. As someone for whom 40 is but a distant memory, the great news is that the programme definitely works. It requires honesty in logging everything you eat. Patience for the times when progress is slower than we would like. Persistence when the going gets a bit tougher. Determination to stick with the programme. Some 41 pounds later the answer is yes most definitely. Take your time to look around the various boards and get a feel for the site. Exercise discernment by not jumping on every idea which is floated here. Have a look at some of the interest groups on the site and find one in which you feel comfortable and encouraged. You start with a great advantage in that you possess much of the knowledge you require. Use your God given intelligence to avoid some of the pet hobby horses. You've made a great decision in joining the site and I wish you every success.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    dont be nervous. we dont bite..that hard ;)

    Unless you want us to
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member

    I'm 27, but this is the only thing that's ever worked for me! I've tried for years to lose weight and never stuck to anything. I finally made it to one-derland and I keep going down! Counting calories and exercise, so simple just never clicked before. This site is very helpful and makes it easy to keep a food diary. Good luck!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hello All-
    My name is Donna and I have just joined this site. I have been struggling to lose weight for the last couple of years, and I am a little afraid that this isn't going to work for me either. Did anyone start off like that, but was successful anyway?

    I am an ex-fitness instructor and my degrees are in nutrition, so I know WHAT to do, but after going through fertility treatments at 37 and 38, my body does not react to things like it used to. I am now 46, 5'10" tall and 235lbs. My initial goal is 180lbs. I am a size 10 at that weight. It's not my ultimate goal, but getting to that would be over 50 pounds at this point, and I thought I would make that my first goal. Honestly, getting below 200 would leave me ecstatic, my body hasn't seen that in about 6 years.

    Any people who tried other things (esp. over 40) without success, but really like what they are doing on MFP?

    I would love the pep talk and making new friends!

    Thank you, Donna K.:happy:

    I'm 39, is that close enough to 40? :happy: I also started out at 232. I'm now 182.6 and progressing along. Slower than I want to, but it's happening, and MFP is a huge help and motivator. Especially the people here. If you aren't afraid of a slightly off-beat sense of humor, add me if you want!
  • joannbrunton
    joannbrunton Posts: 93 Member
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    Congrats for joining!

    Lots and lots of support here :D I have a total of 50 pounds to lose myself and I am 54.

    Feel free to add me!
  • Toughmudder8
    I also just joined 3 days ago, but so far it has been really easy and has kept me accountable. I am a nurse so I understand the frustration of knowing what to do but not following through. I signed up for Tough Mudder 2 months ago ( the race is in Oct!) to motivate myself & that still didn't work- so now my sister and I are doing this to monitor one another. As a nutritionist- how do you feel about South Beach Diet because that is the only one that has every worked for me.
  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Welcome Donna....don't be frightened (your at the right place!!)

    I joined MFP 85 days ago, & it has been a tremendous success for me, but I couldn't have done it alone (everyone here is super supportive!!) :)

    Feel free to add me....wishing you all the best!!!
  • barbie146
    barbie146 Posts: 2
    Hey Donna, I so identify. I am 44 and have been struggling with wieght loss for I know over three years. I have lost then gianed, lost and gained. I just want to stay consitant with my weight loss. I am 5'2 and I think I weigh around 180 pounds. I do not know the exact weight because I am scared to know how much weight I have put back on. At least you got some height. My goal weight is 150. I got down to 165 and I was feeling good. So close to my goal. I just rejoined the group today. I originally started my weight loss when I got on the scale and it said 206 and I was wearing a size 18 and sometimes twenty. I am greatful that I have not hit over 200 pounds again. I have been close. I hope we can be an encouragement to each other.
  • Masil20
    Masil20 Posts: 21 Member

    Hi! I'm new also, Just joined a few days ago, after much hemming and hawing. I feel this is a private journey, but maybe making friends would be a good idea. It would keep me accountable, challenged, and I would apperciate the cheerleading. In person I'm outgoing and enjoy meeting new people, but when it comes to asking someone to be my friend online, I feel shy. So, uh, like a 1st grader, do you want to be my friend? I have reached the height requirement..I am over 40! (Oh, and I am hilarous! Ok, maybe just to me.) I've also lost weight before (about 50 lbs), but gained it back when I went to work full time and no longer had time to exercise with work, commute, being a wife, and mom to two busy kids.

    How does everyone know how many days since they've been joined? I missed that, but it would be interesting to track.

    Look forward to making new friends!
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Welcome, Donna!
  • jen_bd6
    jen_bd6 Posts: 501 Member
    You came to the right place! I've always struggled with my weight. Feel free to add me. I'm on everyday :)
  • mahojibob
    mahojibob Posts: 1
    I just joined as well...well, I joined several months ago, but never even completed my profile. I completed my profile today, so now I'm official! Just reading all of the replies to your post have me so encouraged that this is going to be a good change for my life. I'm diabetic, over 300 lbs, and want to make myself healthier for my 6 month old son. Hopefully, I can reach my goals and by this time next year, I'll have baby #2 on the way!

    Welcome! Looking forward to making some friends on here.
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    Amen to this!!! Need to stay positive in yourself and about yourself to win the fight...if you give up on yourself you have already lost the race:) You have the knowledge....we all know what our bodies need its just a matter of listening to it and giving it JUST what it needs ...dont beat yourself up if you ever fall off the diet wagon ....shrug it off ...hug yourself and jump back on! :)
    I think anytime you attempt to make a change in your life you have an amount of fear..especially if you haven't succeeded the way you wanted to in the past..here's the advice I've learned during my journey of losing weight/gaining weight/losing weight- my body has kept moving, kept working, throughout all of the abuse I've put it through to lose weight..now I'm learning that this body I have is amazing, it's strong, and it's beautiful- no matter what weight I happen to be at. I have to love who I am right this second so that I can truly appreciate who I'm trying to become.. with your background you know this is a lifestyle and a forever type of change..so if it's going to be forever there's no need to rush or beat yourself up if you don't get the results you want when you want them.

    If you can work on loving your body, it won't seem like punishment if you don't succeed at the rate you imagine you should...anything you accomplish will be icing on the cake. But if you judge your body negatively because it doesn't look like you want it to look or how you used to look it just makes a difficult job even more difficult..

    Never say anything to yourself you wouldn't allow anyone to say to your best friend ....
  • BaconSan
    BaconSan Posts: 14
    Hi Donna, I hear ya about being a little frightened - I've had a long losing (pun) battle myself but as long as I'm still alive there is hope - this might be the time. I'm doing the juice thing as you know after it I'm going to a largely plant based diet (was motivated to that by watching "Forks over Knives" . I am very lazy when it comes to exercise but last year I got a Wii & started doing Wii dance & yoga pretty consistently so that is a first and maybe THIS diet will be a first too. Best wishes \0/
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member

    Hi! I'm new also, Just joined a few days ago, after much hemming and hawing. I feel this is a private journey, but maybe making friends would be a good idea. It would keep me accountable, challenged, and I would apperciate the cheerleading. In person I'm outgoing and enjoy meeting new people, but when it comes to asking someone to be my friend online, I feel shy. So, uh, like a 1st grader, do you want to be my friend? I have reached the height requirement..I am over 40! (Oh, and I am hilarous! Ok, maybe just to me.) I've also lost weight before (about 50 lbs), but gained it back when I went to work full time and no longer had time to exercise with work, commute, being a wife, and mom to two busy kids.

    How does everyone know how many days since they've been joined? I missed that, but it would be interesting to track.

    Look forward to making new friends!

    :flowerforyou: Hello, and Welcome to MFP!! You can find when you joined by looking under your Profile Picture when you post something on the Message Boards. There are lots of Over 40 and Over 50 Potential Friends here. Remember to Enjoy Your Journey!!
  • kodakdigitalcamera
    welcome your rly young looking