I need help

AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I need some advice on how to stop cravings and for some healthy small meal ideas. I did MFP for a couple of months and lost 4 lbs but then I stopped using it when I switched jobs and bought a house. I am back and ready. I am 22 years old, weigh 141 lbs, and want to lose about 6 lbs more. Its hard to loose when you only have a little to go. I coach varsity girls soccer and work out with my team so I get a good workout daily. On the weekends I walk or run my dog for 60 mins. My issue is with food.

Here are my issues:

I do very well during the morning and during the day but at about 5 when I get home from work all I want to do is eat and I crave the WORST foods. I am having such a hard time stopping myself. Does anyone have a trick to stop this?

My husband works in the evenings so I am often eating by myself and don't have the energy and motivation to put time into it. Does anyone have any fast easy meal ideas? I don't know how to make very many things right now just being out of college. I am very picky about what I eat which is hard. I love fruit but veggies are tough for me.

Thanks for your help,


  • lisam829
    lisam829 Posts: 110 Member
    Go out, buy a pack of boneless chicken breasts, and cook all of them. put them in tupperware and stick them in the fridge. I can not tell you how many times this has saved my dinner. I just stick in the microwave and voila. Also, a little more expensive but I think is worth it- microwavable steamed veggies. i'm not a fan of veggies either, but they have broccoli and cauliflower, my two favorites. A little Can't Believe It's not Butter spray and I have dinner for under 100 calories (I only eat half a breast at a time). Also I have discovered boneless turkey chops, a little higher in calories but a nice change from chicken :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Well I read this in a magazine and it really helps...
    When you get these cravings (outside of regular meal times)....drink a glass of water because you might just be dehydrated and think of food (sounds silly I know, but try it)
    Also...before you give into cravings wait 10 - 15mins...if after that time you still crave it, then maybe find a healthy snack, otherwise 9x out of 10, the craving will be over! This ALWAYS works for me.

    As for healthy snacks...hmm I'm still trying to figure those out myself.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Best trick is to not buy those 'worst' foods :wink: . Fill the kitchen with healthy whole foods, so when you are hungry, those are your options.

    I work two jobs and have 3 children, so quick is imperative. On the weekends, I wash and separate the lettuce, slice veggies for salads, broil and cube chicken for salads, boil up some eggs, make low cal meatloaf and freeze some, and generally get ready for the mad dash the next 5 days.

    I love taking chicken breast, rolling it in wheat germ, then sauteeing it with a tiny bit of olive oil (and pam, if more is needed). Squeeze a fresh lemon over it when browned, add a small salad made from pre-prepared ingredients and a steamed veggie (or canned if really rushed). Soups are great - I make a lentil one and a split pea one. Take a thermos of it to work too. An omelette is handy - beat an egg or two, put in a pan and add mushrooms, cheese, onions, and diced ham. Top with salsa and a dab of sour cream, and you're good to go. Cut up some turkey sausage and brown with green peppers and onions. Add brown rice and water along with some beef broth, cover and cook until the rice is done. Yummy!

    For snacks, I keep grapes, berries, cubed melon, almonds, peanut butter and whole wheat triscuits, celery sticks, and 2% string cheese. LOG it all though, a little can add up to a lot.

    Good luck!
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    There is always the chance that you aren't getting enough to eat throughout the day. I had the same problem! I was angelic all day long and then I would get home from work and I was so hungry that I would just start eating.... and eating and eating! I decided to try eating around 250-300 of my exorcise calories (I earn around 800 exercise calories a day) and the cravings for sugar and crap food in general have dissappeared. I am satisfied all day too. Also, make sure that you are getting enough carbohydrates. If you are low on your good carbs, then your body gives you a sugar craving which as we all know can be devastating to all the hard work we did during the day.
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