Ideal Protein

Just curious....what is the long-term success rate of this diet. I am not interested in it but a friend of mine just started it as well as many in our community. The weight definitely comes off, but I am wondering about the long term success of it....


  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    I had a friend who came off of it about two years ago gained 8-10 pounds but has maintained most of the loss same for another co-worker. Two other ladies I know lost quite a bit and gained it all back.

    Someone really wanted recruit me into it, definitely glad I didn't accept. It's not for me.
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    I've met a few people who've done it. One did it after a year on WW - she says what she learned in WW is what helped her keep the weight off. Another has had crazy roller coasters with his weight - down-up-down 40+ pounds all in one yr - because when he stopped he went over the edge for the foods he had cut out. A third person goes back to it every January just to keep himself on track.

    I looked in to it, but decided it just wasn't for me. I really have trouble accepting any program that would tell me to not eat things like carrots!