anybody with IBS?



  • lori_en
    lori_en Posts: 133 Member
    I haven't been properly diagnosed with it, but my doctor about 5 years ago assumed I had it because I suffered really bad cramps and running to the loo as soon as I got stressed, and so put me on some tablets that I had to take after every meal... all they did was make me feel bunged up and uncomfortable and be in even more pain so took myself off them!
    Ever since then I've always watched what I eat, so I eat less dairy and hardly touch greasy foods unless I'm out and sometimes I'm lucky and it won't affect me much, but other times it will hit me really bad.
    It seems as it's gone on though I've become less affected by the pain side and more by the fact that I'm always bloated. I lost a lot of weight last year but still had a round belly which didn't make sense to me so I asked the nurse what it could be and reminded her I was told I could have IBS and she just shrugged and said eat less red meat!

    I really want to visit a professional about it seeing as the doctor couldn't care less, but when I've looked into it, it's turned out to be really expensive! :(