Depo shot????

buffjess Posts: 382
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok this is a little off subject, but i need advice..I got my last shot four months ago..The shot is good for 3 months..Me and my husband are trying to conceive..Can i do some kind of detox to get the shot out of my system quicker?? I still have not had a period..Any help appreciated...IM DESPERATE!!:frown: Thanks in advance!!


  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It sounds like it's been longer than 3 months anyway. (Thankfully) there's nothing you can do to remove hormones. If it were that easy, we'd all be in a lot of trouble. It takes a while for your ovulatory cycle to return to normal. Buy an ovulation testing kit if you're really concerned, and keep in mind you may be ovulating at this very moment and just haven't expelled the egg yet. It could be happily floating about.
  • songbyrdsweet---

    Thanks for the reply..I guess im just anxious to get the process going! lol..I hate not knowing though..And wondering if my period will ever come or will i never be able to have another baby..I guess patience is a virtue??? lol thanks
  • I'm not sure if there is anything to get it fully out of your system. And I don't want to bring you down but when I was on it, then went off of took me THIRTEEN months for me to get my period back and another FIVE months to get preggo. We had been trying to get preggo since the moment I quit getting deppo and it took us 18 months to conceive. Good luck to you, I really hope that it doesn't take you that long to get pregnant. And I had also been on deppo for 9 months (3 shots). So maybe that will have made a difference as well.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    Thanks for the reply..I guess im just anxious to get the process going! lol..I hate not knowing though..And wondering if my period will ever come or will i never be able to have another baby..I guess patience is a virtue??? lol thanks

    Ah...well yea, the ovulation tests are supposed to be fairly accurate, you just spit into a little dish and look at it with a magnifying glass to see what the salts in your saliva look like or something to that effect. It makes the whole process a lot easier since you only have about a 48-hour window of ovulation and 72-hour window of sperm motility.
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