5'1 and trying oh-so-hard to shed 5 to 10lbs!

Hi everyone!

I'm kinda new here. Been using MFP on and off for months. However, I thought that I could just use its tools to monitor my calories without having to add any friends. Sharing my success - or should I say unsuccessful - story is embarrassing! Haha.

After giving birth to my son 4 or so years ago, I was able to shed 36lbs on the South Beach Diet - no exercise at all. I went down to my ideal weight - even surpassed that. Then I got complacent during the last quarter of last year. I figured, I was "thin" so I could afford to eat what I wanted. Of course, I knew I was wrong and I am now suffering the consequences of horrible food choices and no exercise.

So this year, I promised I would lose the weight the right way - proper nutrition and exercise. It has been a challenge. I started going to a circuit training gym in March. I was pretty skeptical since all my past gym experiences were just horrible - I gained more weight. So this time around I just hoped and prayed that it would work. I only started going consistently 3 weeks ago. Consistently meaning 3xaweek. I've kinda been watching my food intake as well but I am stuck. My weight just won't drop AND some people actually say I seem to be gaining. This is depressing and discouraging.

I am hoping that getting some support from people who have used this tool successfully can set me in the right direction and hopefully by the end of the year I find myself a better and strong version of me. Sick and tired of wanting to be thin. Now I just want to be strong, healthy and toned. Strong is the new sexy after all.

Looking forward to meeting you guys!

Here's to a new chapter in this weight loss story of mine!!!! :glasses:


  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I know how you feel!!! I watch my eating and workout pretty much everyday...and still manage to gain a few pounds....sigh...luckily a dropped 3 this week, I upped my water and started more weights versus cardio...need to change it up!!! Us shorties really notice 3 pounds...taller people don't get that... lol....ps welcome to MFP!!
  • Jfrerichs
    Jfrerichs Posts: 32 Member
    I agree...losing 5 pounds can make a real difference. Unfortunately, I have more like 20 lbs to lose! My husband and son are skinny-minnies and my hubby owns an ice cream store. Needless to say, I don't get a whole lot of support from them and am looking for some here.
  • MTLD
    MTLD Posts: 4
    yes, us shorties do have a tougher time! Hahaha :D Great to find people who are in the same boat, makes the journey so much more bearable! :)
  • Don't feel discouraged and my opinion... Throw away the scale and judge your success based on pictures and how your clothes fit. The scale can be very deceiving. Continue to eat clean every day and exercise 6x a week. Don't forget to switch up your exercise regimen regularly and don't rely solely on cardio or weights alone, you need to incorporate both.
  • Don't feel discouraged and my opinion... Throw away the scale and judge your success based on pictures and how your clothes fit. The scale can be very deceiving. Continue to eat clean every day and exercise 6x a week. Don't forget to switch up your exercise regimen regularly and don't rely solely on cardio or weights alone, you need to incorporate both.

    I totally agree! I'm still new at this myself but I found that if you are always on that scale it gets discouraging. I also found that I seem to be getting results since I started adding weights to my workout. I still got a long way to go to get to my goal weight but with MFP making me more accountable of what I eat I am starting to see some real progress now!