The scale...we have a love/hate relationship. Advice?

TheWayIUsed2Be Posts: 70
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have this fancy scale that i bought that tell you weight loss water weight bone density fat percentage...but i just use it for the weight. So i put this scale on the floor on an even surface on the same spot every day. Someone had told me that weighing yourself 3 times will help with an acurate number. When i did this the first time I got all three different numbers at that point i just gave up and didnt log my weight for the day ( i weigh everyday it helps keep me on track) Today i got on, it said i had lost 4.8 pounds yeah! :tongue: and i had the same reading all three times...

How can I avoide getting frustrated with the scale...I want it to be my friend not my enemy!:explode:

Any advice is loved! :heart:


  • You'll hear me say it a lot. SMASH IT! Then go get yourself a tape measure.

    That or if you get 3 different weight measurements and they are kind of close just take the average. That's kind of what they do for us when they take our waist measurement for our Physical Fitness test, 3 measurements and average them. Should work for weight too.
  • You'll hear me say it a lot. SMASH IT! Then go get yourself a tape measure.

    That or if you get 3 different weight measurements and they are kind of close just take the average. That's kind of what they do for us when they take our waist measurement for our Physical Fitness test, 3 measurements and average them. Should work for weight too.

    YES! I LOVE this advice!

    My hubby hid my scale over 13 weeks ago, when I was getting obsessed with it! I have not cheated, or strayed from this program in 13 weeks - and the tape measure tells the whole story!

    My measurements have gone from 39-31-41 to 37-27-38, and I've gone from wearing a size 10 to a size 6. In 13 weeks. My biggest tip would be to GET RID OF THE SCALE!!!

    My only word of caution would be to subtract 1 lb each week, so that your BMR calories get adjusted.

    Good luck!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Weighing everyday doesn't help keep you on track, IMHO. . .it just gives you a love/hate relationship with yourself and the scale.

    While I also vote for smashing the thing with a baseball bat (you could log it as cardio :tongue: ) A less drastic approach would be to weigh in twice a month AND measure twice a month. Measuring is important, as often things redistribute and you won't get lighter but you will get smaller.

    Every day isn't giving you an accurate gauge of weight loss, just a gauge of how much your body fluctuates.

    On second thought, you could smash it.:wink:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I personally love my scale. After the 2nd week I stopped having horrible fluxuations. I weigh myself everyday and love seeing the scale go down every 2 to 3 days. I'm not changing anything in measurements, but the scale is going down. That's the only depressing thing I have.
  • I can easily get obsessed with the scale too :grumble: . Someone on here said to weigh once a week and don't step on the scale in between. I try to stick to that but some days I 'feel' like I've lost weight. I get on and off the scale and, inevitably, mine has (although close) a different weight each time. I only 'log' it once a week, though.

    I have found that during my terribly plateau (only recently have I come out of it!) the scale was my enemy (the plateau lasted for several weeks) and the tape measure was my friend. I've been doing this since 7/25 and I've lost 13.25 inches!!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    I've only lost about 17 pounds but the big thing for me is the inches. Some of the measurements that I take now I've only been taking for about 2 weeks so I'm sure it's actually more than that!

    The tape measure is your friend!!! The scale....well not so much....weigh yourself for a guide but use the tape measure to determine progress. Your husband (if you have one) would also be a good gauge. When I tell him that I'm frustrated because I haven't lost any more weight he can remind me that he can definitely tell that I'm smaller and more toned, despite what the scale says!

    Trust me - if *****I***** can lose weight anybody can!

    Hang in there!!

  • lol so smash it is the verdict ....but i cant do that :ohwell: because i will be so off track this is just how i am lol :cry: however i will get a tape measurer! thanks for the advice.
  • Weighing everyday doesn't help keep you on track, IMHO. . .it just gives you a love/hate relationship with yourself and the scale.

    While I also vote for smashing the thing with a baseball bat (you could log it as cardio :tongue: ) A less drastic approach would be to weigh in twice a month AND measure twice a month. Measuring is important, as often things redistribute and you won't get lighter but you will get smaller.

    Every day isn't giving you an accurate gauge of weight loss, just a gauge of how much your body fluctuates.

    On second thought, you could smash it.:wink:

    Hahaha - I vote ALL THE WAY for "smash it"!!!

    You've been a really successful loser, and I am on my way to losing all my weight (I did peek at the scale at the gym, and I was right on track with what MFP said I would lose in 12 weeks according to my calorie allotments) and I think that getting hung up on the numbers can frustrate, and insight feelings of wanting to quit.

    To me, the numbers had power over me, and if I was up a pound, or didn't lose, I wanted to quit, thinking, "This doesn't work!", even though I knew the explanation behind it all.

    Smash it.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    At least considering weighing less often. Every day is a real crazy maker.

    And read this:
  • I weight myself everyday and only record the lowest weight for the week.
    Scale can motivate some people but also discourage other people.
    For helps me stick to my diet.
    When it's higher or does not move., I want to work harder.
    When it's lower, it makes me feel good so I stick to the diet.
    I also do tape measurement but only once a month.
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