Trying to lose it all over again…

I'm new to this site and just wanting to say hi and tell a part of my story.

As of June 23 I was 510 pounds, the most of that I have ever weighed. A few days later I came down in minor stomach issue that affected my appetite, it stuck around for a week or so. Then four days ago I got onto my scale and noticed that I have lost about 25 pounds. Even at my weight I really felt it. It is gave me the motivation to start to lose my weight again. Now I'm up to about 33 pounds lost and I'm shedding 2 to 3 pounds a day. I know the weight loss is extreme but at my weight you have to pick your poison. I'd rather lose weight fast, for now, and then slow it down later. It's just the beginning and I know diets are hard to stick to but everything feels right this time around.

I have managed once before to lose 187 pounds and 10 months in 2004. I want from 454 pounds to 267. That was the lightest that I ever remember weighing. I've always been big even as a child. I was 300 pounds in third grade, granted I was also 5'8"; but still bad. Since 2004 the weight has crept back slowly and as I said earlier the highest they've been was 510 pounds just a couple weeks ago. I'm disgusted with myself that I have to do this all over again but I will do this. I joined this site for support because I do not have a good support system around me now. I'm surrounded by a bunch of enablers and cannot get out of the situation since they are my family.

Either way that was a part of my story and I look over to talking to all of you while I'm taking this journey to get my life back, again.


  • brownju
    brownju Posts: 24 Member
    Well you are taking the first step and you should feel good that you are. I was watching Extreme Makeover and basically they said something that made me go..."oh yeah, that makes sense" It was something like you can't change the people around you, you can only change yourself. So keep that in mind with your family...they are in a habit just like you are. Perhaps they enable you, but you are allowing it. So take control of that part and you should be able to do better at controlling other things in your life.

    I know it will be a long road, I am on one of those too. Add me if you like!
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm glad to see you're taking the steps to lose weight, and I am excited for your success. With that said, I would HIGHLY (cannot stress enough) recommend consulting a physician on your endeavor. Rapid weight loss may be a symptom of something else, and s/he can monitor all of the things that this site cannot. S/he can also let you know if what you're doing is healthy for your body which we cannot do as fellow MFPers. With that said, feel free to add me as a friend, and I will do my best to be encouraging! We are all in the same boat! :smile:
  • jayhawkX
    jayhawkX Posts: 48
    I have talked to my doctor and she said that it is okay at my weight to be losing like gangbusters but after a while the weight loss will need to slow down. The last time that I lost weight I lost it just as fast at the beginning. So this is not out of the ordinary for me. My current diet is almost exactly what I did last time, which would be a high-protein low intake diet. Not exactly the Atkins diet or the South Beach diet; just my rendition of it, kind of.

    Anyways. I appreciate all the encouraging words.
  • shedding60
    shedding60 Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me and we can help to keep each other going!